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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Homeland floats 'national security' as excuse to take guns

The Obama administration has tried repeatedly to push more gun control through Congress, unsuccessfully. It still is trying its hand at a strategy of simply depriving people of their Second Amendment rights.

Now it is signaling a new method, claiming that “gun control” is “part and parcel” of the federal government’s responsibility for homeland security.

It was presented by Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson during an appearance on CBS, when he made the claim no less than three or four times that gun control is now “part and parcel” of his agency’s responsibilities.

“I do believe,” he said, “that meanginful, responsible gun control is now part and parcel of homeland security.”

He continued, “It’s critical to public safety. We have to face the fact that meaningful, responsible gun control has to be part of Homeland Security. It’s coming I think the American public has to face.”


  1. Dave T: I disagree with Mr. Johnson's comments entirely and I also think he performance in the position he holds is questionable.

  2. Come and get mine if you dare

  3. Let's hear from the person commenting yesterday about Obama not taking guns. Please get in line to turn yours in!

  4. "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

  5. and yet they wont say its their own fault that he was able to buy the rifle. FBI said its ok So man up Obama laws in place and no one wants to use them

  6. Florida is a concealed carry state, and well over 100 patrons willfully disarmed themselves and entered a gun free zone as posted in the front door. Defenseless and helpless, they all became victims, half of them losing their lives. Had many of them been carrying, the casualty count would have been a fraction of what it was, or more likely, a mass shooter would probably choose not to enter such a place at all.

  7. The main phrase of the second amendment is "shall not be infringed upon", if he does not understand that then he needs to resign...yesterday!


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