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Sunday, June 12, 2016

What Flag Is That???


  1. She was a POS then - she's an older POS now!

    I'm Ready for Hillary - for PRISON 2016!

  2. evil b++h will be our next President. Proof that democracy is stupid. We need a king

  3. OH MY Hillabeast! The glasses are bad but 'the Confederate Flag'???

  4. She was a lying sack then and she's a lying sack now. And she'll be a lying sack tomorrow and the day after and every day after that.

  5. No surprises here.

  6. You will NEVER see a full investigation of the Clintons. They are untouchable. I would love to know the reason why they are untouchable buy the little people never will. I do believe that the good ole boy presidents club knows the exactly what is happening and it is a closed club. Conspiracy alive and well. It will take another "Watergate" to get to the bottom of this whole thing and today people really don't want to put there lives on the line for something that has proven to make little to no difference to the voting public.

  7. I do not like Trump and I do not think he is presidential material....but.....I will not vote for Hillary. And I WILL vote.

  8. In this photo, she's trying out her "At this point what does it matter" pose.

  9. Just another criminal liar hypocrite democrat, nothing new here, move along.

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 8, 2016 at 11:34 AM

    I got one even better. Look up Campaign Flags from 1992 Clinton-Gore campaign. They had the Confederate Flags with their names on it, when "campaigning" in South.

  11. The problem is that Hillary Clinton remained on the Watergate Committee until Richard Nixon resigned and the Committee was shut down. There is no evidence she was fired, so this story is false.

  12. Send this pic to Trump.

  13. As much as I despise her, and if she is elected, at least the POS Nobama and his fugly wife won't be in the WH.

  14. "As a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When reporters asked why, Zeifman said, "Because she is a liar. She is an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee and the rules of confidentiality.""

    Kathryn Brown, ↑↑↑ That, up there, is an excerpt from a 'USA Today' article printed several years ago.., who's information is wrong?

  15. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 8, 2016 at 1:39 PM

    1:03 Agreed 100%. That would explain why Hilda and Barrack get along so well, two unethical, dishonest, crooked lying lawyers. No More Clintons, Barrack, you're fired!
    TRUMP TRAIN 2016

  16. Dave T: Interesting post. Thank you for sharing. Seems like the further you go back in the Clinton history book, the more skeletons you easily find in the closet. Amazing to me that some people actually believe someone so corrupt is fit to be our president. However, after eight long, horrible years of complete incompetence, some people still haven't learned, and are actually dumb enough to remain open to electing any buffoon that claims to tote the left wing agenda. After all, that's what we have in office now, and his approval rating is hovering at 51%. How could that be? Plato was right, "the punishment you will receive for not being involved in politics, is that you will be ruled by your inferiors!" People better think long and hard before supporting this women, she is toxic to the American way of living. FYI...her masters thesis was written on Saul Alinsky. What a joke. I can't think of a bigger, better degenerate than him. How pathetic.

  17. Just watch. If Trump is for real, and I'm still on the fence about that, he is about to tear Hillary and Bill a new on like the Press seems incapable of doing.
    She blames the street crime of the 90s for the over reaction of the crime bill. The same bill where she called inner city youth "super-preditors". Meanwhile a powerful drug trafficker who is CAUSING the problems is pardoned by Bill in return for a large donation to the Clinton legal defence fund.
    Why is the media not pointing these things out. Why is she winning overwhelmingly with Blacks?
    And another point on the Media Hillary Clinton STILL has not gotten enough votes to secure the nomination yet the morning of the most anticipated Democratic primary day of this election the AP comes out and says, oh we talked to the Super-Delegates and their all voting for Hillary so she has it, essentially holding the vote two months early and announcing it as official. I am no Socialist but this is just an outright con job. This is like if ESPN showed a Football game, then with 2:00 left in the third quarter, said that the game was over, the team in the lead won and credited them with two additional touchdowns then cut to other programing and ignored the rest of the game. Everyone, regardless of political affiliation should be outraged.

  18. There is no one to vote for in this election

  19. Hillary is consistent, she has been homely forever

  20. 426, you're pretty pessimistic. Why not go with a guy who has been a success legally his entire life. Why wouldn't he be successful at Making America Great Again?

    Hillary is rich, but it's by being a lying, dishonest, money-laundering crook.

    It's a pretty easy choice for most of us.

  21. Anonymous Steve said...
    426, you're pretty pessimistic. Why not go with a guy who has been a success legally his entire life. Why wouldn't he be successful at Making America Great Again?

    Hillary is rich, but it's by being a lying, dishonest, money-laundering crook.

    It's a pretty easy choice for most of us.

    June 8, 2016 at 9:09 PM

    Butt, Butt, Butt Trump filed bankruptcy 4 times...
    ...Like he said.. Legally!!

    And guess what, he always bounced back and he can show America how to do it, unlike Culver.

  22. I honestly have no problem with the Confederate Battle Flag and I have no idea why you idiots do. The American flag was the flag of slavery if you were using that reason. I will take that flag any day and I will defend it to my death bed.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Dave T: Interesting post. Thank you for sharing. Seems like the further you go back in the Clinton history book, the more skeletons you easily find in the closet. Amazing to me that some people actually believe someone so corrupt is fit to be our president. However, after eight long, horrible years of complete incompetence, some people still haven't learned, and are actually dumb enough to remain open to electing any buffoon that claims to tote the left wing agenda. After all, that's what we have in office now, and his approval rating is hovering at 51%. How could that be? Plato was right, "the punishment you will receive for not being involved in politics, is that you will be ruled by your inferiors!" People better think long and hard before supporting this women, she is toxic to the American way of living. FYI...her masters thesis was written on Saul Alinsky. What a joke. I can't think of a bigger, better degenerate than him. How pathetic.

    June 8, 2016 at 1:56 PM

    Well I hope that ignorant Kathryn Brown doesn't read this... she might get offended and want he space to hide.

  24. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 9, 2016 at 2:42 PM

    The issue here is the hypocrisy of Clinton's with the flag.
    Also, let's not forget, Trump got rich by making business decisions with HIS OWN MONEY. Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy got rich by Using and scamming with TAXPAYERS MONEY. Clintons been living the high life on Taxpayers dime, while telling everyone "they'are broke"
    TRUMP TRAIN 2016


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