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Sunday, June 19, 2016

UPDATE: "There are 50 casualties" in mass shooting at Orlando nightclub


  1. 50 dead, 52 injured so far.

  2. People bitch about Trump's proposed temporary Muslim ban...how do you think now? 100 people were gunned down last night. 50 casualties. Just how many people have die before you clink heads get it!

    F- for Obama and Ryan for this mess.

  3. 1 of many reasons I'm voting for Trump!!!!!!

  4. Google him...Democrat Obama supporter

  5. Muslims even the so called moderates hate the governments position on having to serve homosexuals and the bathroom issue now going on. Muslims have ZERO tolerance for what they deem sinning freaks of nature. If they are nice to a gay's face, it's an act. The second the gay walks away they are cursing them and the ground as being now dirty from a filthy pervert stepping on it. They don't appreciate the government (or anyone else for that matter) making them go against their faith or face a law suit or prison and this is the result. The LGBT all have targets on their backs and they need to go and thank the liberals and the democrats for it. It's one of those they grew it now they have no other option but to accept it. Killing off gays comes with the territory of allowing muslims to operate freely in this country.

  6. 100 Parents lost their child last night. And you all bitch about Trump's temporary Muslim ban? You people are frigging insane!

  7. The media makes Trump out to be radical.

  8. Why is Grayson talking on Fox? He's part of the problem in this country. His own truculence towards Trump and immigration reform that imposes strict laws to be implemented has been complicit in bringing about this situation. Such an asshat.

  9. Bret Baier just said the suspect was under watch with the FBI. So where the hell was the FBI last night? Time for Trump's DOJ.

  10. What an ignoramus you are 11:18! I hope to hell you haven't multiplied because with a "parent" like you a child needs NO enemies. You are a piss poor example of a human being. You and your ilk are directly responsible for these muslim terrorist attacks. YOU murdered those people. You are garbage, a POS no different then the one who was pulling the trigger. Not only should there be a temp ban on muslims entering the country and this goes to those who are citizens trying to re-enter-Boston bomber come to mind you putrid POS 11:18!!!! Mosques needs to be monitors as well as predominately muslim neighborhoods. Anyone who doesn't agree with this deserves anything they get. You ask any one of those 100 parents 11:18 and I bet they are saying the same thing. Now get out of here with your nonsense that is killing people. You are disgusting!

  11. Right 11:33. A lot are on the FBI watch but because of obama their hands are tied. Each and every single democrat is responsible for this don't Ireton or any other liberal be sad or mad about this. You grew it now suck it up.

  12. So 12:33 You don't think a temporary banning Muslims like Trump suggested is a good thing ? I think it would be a great thing to protect the American people and it's cowardly apologists like you that cause these attacks. signed 11:18

  13. How will Obama campaign against Trump now that this happened?

  14. So what is the answer for the Muslims already here? Who are radicalizing?


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