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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Islamic terrorism tie eyed in Orlando gay bar shooting

ORLANDO, Fla. - A shooting and hostage situation early Sunday morning at a Florida nightclub -- which describes itself as "Orlando's hottest gay bar" -- left multiple people dead, including the gunman, officials say.

Sources have confirmed to CBS News that authorities are investigating whether the suspect, who has been named as Omar Mateen, had ties to Islamic terrorism. Mateen is a U.S. citizen with no apparent criminal history, according to sources.

Orlando Police chief John Mina said "around 20" people are believed dead inside the nightclub, although he and others were hesitant to provide firm numbers as the situation was still being assessed early Sunday morning.

Local hospitals report receiving at least 42 patients from the incident.

A U.S. intelligence source told CBS news senior investigative producer Pat Milton that Islamic terrorism is being investigated as a possible motive in the shooting due to several indicators including the style of the attack, which had similarities to the attacks in Paris in November 2015 and Brussels in March. The gunman put up a protracted gun battle with police and was heavily armed, the source said.



  1. No shocker here. So why does the gay community predominantly vote for politicians that insist on bringing in more people who want to destroy them? Isn't that kind of like Jews voting for Hitler in the Thirties?

  2. Update, just reported by Orlando police, they are reporting 50 dead, way to go POTUS keep up the good work.

  3. But poor Omar was just misunderstood...the audacity of those horrible gays to insult Islam by daring to congregate, dance, and worst of all, be gay! He was driven to it by his god's wrath at all the sinning, he couldn't help it - Allah made him do it!

    If guns were illegal all those awful gay people would still be alive and dancing the flaming fandango.

    Now...let's FINALLY hear the gay community stand up and openly acknowledge the active threat of Islam to their very existence. Let's see them marching peacefully in the streets, demanding the tsunami of unmonitored hostile Muslim immigration be ended.

  4. Betting the DOJ and Homeland will spin it and call it a domestic issue .regardless it is an act of terrorism.isnt Florida a right to carry state .?one legally armed person could have stopped some the carnage

  5. 1041 "If guns were illegal all those awful gay people would still be alive and dancing the flaming fandango."

    False. If people were allowed conceal and carry permits, he wouldn't have known how many armed people were in the nightclub and probably wouldn't have chanced it. Get a clue. Criminals will ALWAYS be able to get guns whether or not they're legal; whereas law abiding citizens will not. I'd put my money behind the law abiding citizens keeping the peace with their peacemakers than any criminal.

    Such an asinine comment.

    1. You don't get sarcasm, do you?

    2. I got you. The gay community votes democrat and are in favor of gun control and open immigration. Both working so well for them.

  6. His social network accounts have already been changed to Buddhist from India, oh, wrong guy, that was last weeks Muslim.

  7. I get the feeling islam attacked the wrong target this time. The victims are martyrs; their sacrifice must be avenged. Obama once wrote: if the political winds turn ugly, I will stand with the muslims. What will he do now? These savages must be deported, all of them, and immediately. No more mosques, no more tolerance of their philosophy of killing infidels. The acid test for all politicians in our future should depend on their answer to "Do you stand with us, or do you stand with islam?"

  8. 1127 I stand with Trump! That's where I stand. America FIRST! Omar solidified and wiped out any doubt who is the only candidate this election!

  9. Democrats are a two headed snake one head all embracing while you are bitten by the other head.

  10. Don’t worry, the dems are consulting the registered voters list and figuring out that Orlando means they might only have lost less then 100 votes (dead), but by denying it has anything to do with radical islam, they will gain 5,000 votes in Orlando.

  11. Obama will spin this that it was due to Trump, the confederate flag, and the access to full auto machine gun that caused this.

  12. Didn't you see the photos it was a gun-free zone had signs on the doors no weapons allowed. Florida is a right to carry state however as in all right to carry states. guns are still not allowed in bars that sell acholol.


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