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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Texas judge accused of hatching secret deal with red light camera company

A Texas judge arrested for making a secret deal committing his county to a 10-year contract with a red-light camera company was suspended Tuesday for allegedly blowing right past the state's Sunshine Laws.

Judge Joel Patrick Baker of Smith County was arrested last week, after an activist group complained his 2014 meeting with American Traffic Solutions officials violated the Texas Open Meetings Act. Baker was charged with three misdemeanor counts of violating the act.

"A community is known for what it tolerates," the activist group, Grassroots America We the People, said in a statement. "In Smith County, Texas, we should never accept disrespect for citizens, abuse of the public trust, and selective application of the rule of law."


  1. Death penalty for people like this that betray the trust when they are supposed to serve the people with honor and dignity while following the rules. Hold them to a higher standard, not lower. Punish them severely.

  2. Sounds like Liarton's revenue traffic cams. Lets get rid of them.


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