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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Donald Trump Apologizes. To Pocahontas, Not Sen. Warren

Does presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump regret calling Sen. Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas?

He does.

During an interview with Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, Trump addressed the nickname he used for the Massachusetts senator.

“I do regret calling her Pocahontas because I think it’s a tremendous insult to Pocahontas — so to Pocahontas I would like to apologize to you,” Trump said.



  1. Crazy, deranged, lunatic fringe... Democrats will elect anyone. Especially if they should be committed.
    Liars with egg on their face, no nutcase filter, all seem to be Democrats.

  2. Oh, I like this apology.

  3. Wasn't Warren the one who lied about being Native American to get into Law School? And didn't she practice law in a few states where she hadn't passed the state bar and failed to get permission to practice there? And didn't she profit off the foreclosures resulting from housing bubble? Shall I go on or do you get the picture?!

  4. She didn't lie. She has Native American Heritage. Get over it.

    1. 801 once again another under informed or completely misinformed voter rears its ugly tongue. She did lie. It has been proven she doesn't have any Nativd American heritage. She lied to make herself more appealing to ivy leagues. Please inform yourself. You look like ridiculous.

  5. Thanks for taking care of this 8:05! Maybe I would considering giving up my guns if democrats will give up their free speech! Or, maybe they already have since they cannot tell the truth.


  6. Sorry 831 Democrat politicians are incapable of telling the truth. They aren't the same Dems your granny voted for. Today's democrats are radicalized.

  7. HA HA ha LOL, the slimy media always wants Republicans or consetvatives to apologize. HOW ABOUT OBOZO AND HILDABEAST for what they have done to my country!!!


  8. 8:01
    Maybe she was was feeling like a Indian, you know, like the white trash that felt like she (?) was black to grab top job a NAACP.
    So what? She may feel like a Indian male next week...who knows.
    Thing is The Donald has never apologized to anyone to my knowledge until now. Proud of you Mr.Trump for making the correct choice to start, no Indian or anyone else would want to be referred to as this female lost cause.
    Trump 2016!


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