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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Teen on way to see Beyonce hit by dirt bikers in Baltimore

BALTIMORE – A Fairfax County high school senior is recovering at a hospital after getting hit by a dirt bike on her way to a Beyonce concert in Baltimore Friday evening.

The student, just a week or so away from graduation, went to Baltimore with a friend with plans to see Beyonce perform at M&T Bank Stadium.

While crossing a street in the 400 block of East Pratt Street along Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, she was hit by a group of dirt bikers.

Her father told the Baltimore Sun the group had come out of nowhere while they were in the crosswalk. He said his daughter suffered some “substantial injuries.”



  1. I used to live on Pratt. Can confirm this crap happens all the time.

  2. But seriously,has anyone other than myself noticed how much drama surrounds anything and everything Beyonce does? No one can connect the dots that specifically prove my theory,but she is a dangerous person to idolize.

  3. Make it legal to run them over. Problem solved. Cops dont have to chase suspects crushed into their dirt bike/atvs. But no I'm sure the mayor has told police to "give them space" to express their blackness. I'll give them space....6 feet under for all eternity. Buried with the wreckage of their bikes !

  4. 4:13. Really? I know it's wrong what they're doing but to suggest possibly killing them intentionally and even causing innocent folks harm is stupid. Did you even really think about your comment and the consequences that could come from it? Should the white Baltimore city cop seen I'm uniform riding a dirt bike up an down the streets be ran over and killed as well?

    1. Yes really. Dead thugs don't commit more crimes unless their identity is stolen for more democrat votes. Either way, THEY wont be hitting anymore innocent people. Did you forget about the poor innocent girl in the hospital? Keep your whining to yourself. Imagine how she feels. Or better yet imagine what a good time she COULD have had if someone has crushed that thug before he hit her..... now stfu.

  5. Well, 505, they seem to have no problem going out and killing and maiming others and have no insurance to cover the costs, so, yeah, I have to agree with 413!

    Exactly what is your solution? I sit here with baited breath!

  6. 3 hours have passed, and 505 has no reasonable response. Gee, wow.

  7. Had one ride up beside me. asked what he wanted. it wasnt pretty what came out of his mouth...so I opened the door...that wasnt pretty either

  8. 7:53 Most cant or wont read that much text.

  9. 6:10.... let's debate. Cop runs over a dirt bike. Kills operator. Bike crashes into a woman pushing a stroller on the side walk before breaking the window and shattered glass is all over the shoppers.

    Cop runs over dirt bike and operator. Bike and cop car slam into a company/private contactor vehicle. No insurance and now that person is out of work.

    Same scenario..... severely damaged police car costing tax payers and maybe even injury to officer.

    So many things can happen just pulling the trigger so to speak. Calculated risk! Cops can't just do stuff that can endanger the public. The little BLM girl attending the concert is fine. Whoa is me act! I can beat you in every way with this debate. I wont stfu . I have a voice. It's used to bring common sense to light when idiots speak.
    More often than not these bikes are only a nuisance and like the scooters that ran around for years.... provided no revenue. Police have hurt /killed more people while on the phone and computer than these thugs have. Should we run our cars into them to potentially save someone's life? One a person got hurt so let's jeopardize many more people in the future to stop this from happening. Hmmmm. Dont the Democrats scream that about gun control?

    1. Do cops not do pit manuevers? That's just as dangerous as what I am proposing....so what is the difference? They have no problem damaging police vehicles to do those.... and sometimes peoples property is damaged. So please enlighten the rest of us why those are okay but what I suggested isn't. We all await more of your defend the criminals logic....

  10. 7:53. Took me a minute. I have a life and dont live in mom's basement playing on the computer all day.

  11. Well 7:53???? Make this this week's top post! Lmao. People like you are a major problem in society. You don't think before you act or speak. Do more harm than good. One day when you grow up you'll learn to see the whole picture. Until then keep looking for Waldo.

  12. Yes REALLY 5:05! These thugs have killed numerous people in Baltimore City in the past few years. I believe several haven't been caught and brought to justice. The "consequences" of killing a few of the useless P'OS would be a huge reduction in the crime rate in that hell hole! The only way to deal with the filth that inhabits that hell hole is to start treating them the way they treat others and that is no regard for their lives. Enablers like you 5:05 serve no useful purpose to humanity either!

  13. still beats the window washing scam on every corner.

  14. This quote is from another article on this subject:
    "Police don’t have a suspect, but say the dirt bike used in the incident was recovered."
    Don't have a suspect? Why don't they just check the ORV (Off Road Vehicle) tag and go to his house. His name and address are right on the registration.
    Of course the bike wasn't registered.
    My point is this:
    Two years ago the State passed a ruling requiring tags, helmet, and insurance on all scooters and dirt bikes. This was directly due to the gangs that are rampaging through the Inner City neighborhoods.
    The result? Only law-abiding, safe, conscientious operators got the required items. There was NO WAY that the others would ever do that.
    It resulted in the closing of at least 90% of the scooter rental/sales businesses in Ocean City. It also cut the usage of scooters by locals by at least 60%.
    This is just a small sampling of what will happen if there is more restrictions put on guns.
    Take note.


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