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Sunday, June 19, 2016

I'm Sorry


  1. A sincere caution about patriotism:

    It can go too far. In the case of the US Government, the situation is beyond repair.
    It is extremely dangerous to challenge this government. It has proven time again that it is willing and able to inflict harm upon civilian populations. It is secretive and corrupt. It is lawless as it enforces statutory laws upon its citizens, but then simply ignores them as an entity. It steals from its citizens. It steals from other countries. It is an out-of-control murderous facist regime.

    Patriotism in this case is ill advised.
    Thank you

  2. I'm a patriot and proud of it , screw this communist government in America , I hate our present state of government . Screw Hillary Clinton , obama , and the rest of the liberal obama muslim lovers. .

  3. It's a commin folks.

  4. It's not going to be about the popular vote, it will be about the vote counting.

    Stand prepared...

  5. Patriotism is the love of our country that the Founding Fathers created.Bowing down to the current government that we have allowed to take over is surrendering to fascist nationalism.

  6. Would be nice if ANY of you knew anything about history. We first screwed the american indians and just kept going.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Would be nice if ANY of you knew anything about history. We first screwed the american indians and just kept going.

    June 13, 2016 at 8:11 PM


  8. If Trump gets cheated out of this election is there anyone other than me that is willing to join another Confederate States of America??

  9. 645 needs to read a history book, and 805 is in for a surprise when she votes for Hitlary.

  10. The government is us.

  11. 8:05
    I think one day soon someone is going to say "I told you so" to you.


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