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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Obama's Plan to Cede Internet Control Faces Opposition in Congress

President Barack Obama's attempt to globalize control over the Internet faces pressure from Republican congressional leaders.

"I think there needs to be, at least in the short term, a ripcord to pull so that we can fall back to the way things were in case we see some of these worst-case scenarios play out," Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, told the Washington Examiner.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, known as ICANN, has handled oversight of the Internet since the group began operating in 1998 under a U.S. government contract. The administration's plan would transfer control of ICANN to a group of international stakeholders, according to the Voice of America.

The plan, supported by Internet companies like Google and Facebook and service providers like Verizon, must be approved by the U.S. Department of Commerce before it can go ahead.

ICANN would remain a private, not-for-profit organization under the plan, and would still be involved in governing the Internet. But oversight of its operations would be conducted by an advisory group made up of international government representatives, businesses and researchers who could vote to approve any significant changes.



  1. "I think there needs to be, at least in the short term, a ripcord to pull so that we can fall back to the way things were in case we see some of these worst-case scenarios play out,"

    Too bad they did not use that logic with healthcare.

  2. Anything the government controls is always screwed up. Just look at Obama care. no government should control the internet. It would just end up in being a government spy machine.

  3. Faces opposition.

    Wow. Incredible. Certainly does not indicate a NO vote now does it?

  4. 11:38 - it already is.

  5. he better not try it. i think he throws these comments out to make us want to rise up against him so he can declare martial law.

  6. Your "leaders" (spit the bad taste out of your mouth now) want to be able to charge "we, the people" for Internet use. THAT is a F'ing GOLD MINE!
    THAT is the whole and complete intent of your leaders.
    Keep that in mind as they whistle and blow smokescreens. When they start (and they will) talking about "the children", or "national security", or "dedicated to education", you'll know we are in trouble.
    In the meantime, do what you do so well ---- cheer them on!



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