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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton 'loves' the idea of appointing Obama to Supreme Court

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said she “loves” the idea of appointing Barack Obama to the Supreme Court if she’s elected president.

At a campaign event in Iowa Tuesday, Mrs. Clinton told the crowd the next president may have to appoint up to three Supreme Court justices. When one attendee mentioned Mr. Obama as a contender, she seemed excited by the recommendation.

“Wow, what a great idea. No one has ever suggested that to me, I love that, wow,” Mrs. Clinton said. “He may have a few other things to do, but I tell you, that’s a great idea.



  1. I hope the day after the election Obama withdraws his nomination of Judge Garland and Clinton finds the most liberal judge she can.
    The obstructionists need to learn a lesson.

  2. She saw that idea in a video - the willing suspension of disbelief must be employed here :(

  3. I say Obama for dog catcher and Hillary better run since she likes to bark

  4. How can anyone vote for this woman?? She blatantly mocks us on a daily basis, yet the supposed polls say she is winning?

  5. Drew,
    Was that a joke?
    Are you awake?
    Are you living in Amerika?

  6. obstructionists? You mean the people fighting an uphill battle to maintain what few constitutional rights we still have left? Boy I wish people weren't so incredibly stupid. But I forgot the constitution means nothing to you people. Read a book and educate yourself on the reality of the situation we are in, instead of swallowing the MSM narrative without question.

  7. Drew, SCOTUS is pretty well balanced, historically speaking. Even as a liberal, I knew Obama had overstepped the powers of Congress with his E.O. on immigration. It would serve the country better if both sides would not let their ideologies blind them in everything.


  8. While there is no actual requirement for Supreme Court appointees to be a lawyer, have a law degree, or to hold a law license how would Mrs. Bill Clinton feel about appointing someone who surrendered his little used law license?

  9. "No one has suggested it to me"...right...what was the price for Obama's ringing endorsement I wonder.

  10. Dave T: Wow! And you stupid people want to elect her for president? Just what we don't need. Obama has done plenty to screw up America, how anyone could even contemplate allowing him to do more is beyond me. He never deserved to be president in the first place ! If Hillary is elected, then we will all find ourselves at a new low for this nation. I assure you.

  11. Yea that's what we need, you a%% just like we don't need you. Trump 2016. map

  12. So, if you get your wish and Trump is president, in the year before an election he could not fill a SCOTUS spot that comes open?


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