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Sunday, June 05, 2016

Mexican Anti Trump Protester Wants Her Land Back From The White Man



  2. You have a vivid imagination, Chickie, but no, this is United States land, and if you want to live in "Your Land", there is a Mexican Border that is well established by law that you are welcome to cross back to. Don't forget to get your Passport.

  3. Have her send the Mexican army up here to attempt to take it.

  4. Mexican army are merc units for drug families.

  5. Texas won that war... I'd like to see them try to take it back from them.

  6. Just another ignorant Democratic voter.

  7. Hmmmm, maybe Mexicans should give Mexico back to the Mayans and Aztecs...except they can't as all of them were slaughtered by the conquistadors.

  8. So what you Mexicans just built a wall between Mexico and Guatamala to keep them oyt of Mexico so what's the difference you Hippocrate.

  9. I'd like to have "my" land back, in Detroit, Bsltimore, Chicago, and da 'bury.

  10. If it's your land come take it and see how that works out for you! But be forewarned you will find out very quickly who's land it really is.

  11. 7:05-This probably is her job.I've come to believe that a lot of people are being paid to add chaos to the mix.When I see the GOP fighting Trump tooth and nail and ignoring everything Obama does the problem becomes obvious.And what's up with Paul Ryan anyway? I prayed that Newt would take that job,but oh well.

  12. Ahhh Mexican American war settled that issue. Sorry next. That is why Trump needs to boot these refried bean eating MF out of OUR country.

  13. Dave T: We certainly don't need anyone allowing more illegal Mexican immigrants here, and remember the Alamo ! Mexico has zero say in what happens here. Don't like America, then leave.

  14. This "Person" is exactly who we need to build a wall to keep out.

  15. The wall needs to be built to keep Illegals out. She is a prime example of the danger our Nation faces with her way of irrational thinking, threat to our Constitution and way of life and the criminals and leeches who pour into our Country.

  16. This woman should be institutionalized for delusions of grandeur. What is she thinking, if she is thinking at all? Maybe she should go back to Mexico and tell them they should give her free land. I'd love for her to keep in touch, letting us know how that works out for her.

  17. You lost your lands in a war. If you really want those lands back, you know what to do...

  18. wow. so many ignorant people making comments that have no idea of this countries history. cali and texas WAS mexico's land once. texas fought mexico and was a sovereign country. cali was ceded to the US after a war. texas became a state on their terms, hence the saying, don't mess with texas.

    you people have no clue about your own history. read a freaking book. and stop getting your 'facts', and 'I know for a fact' bs from tv and movies. Imbeciles.


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