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Sunday, June 05, 2016

Black Outrage Over Gorilla Shot To Protect ‘White Privilege’. Just One Problem…

Do you feel strongly about Harambe, the hapless gorilla executed by Cincinnati zoo to protect the life of the four-year old child Isaiah whose stupid, irresponsible parents allowed him to crawl into the gorilla’s pen?

Well I do too. Especially when you realise – at least by some accounts – that the gorilla was actually trying to protect the child not kill it.

But I don’t think in the outrage stakes any of us can quite compete with the angry black people in social media forums who have been blaming the incident on entrenched white privilege.



  1. Umm the family was black from what ive read

  2. the gorilla did a better job looking out for the kid then his parents did!
    Good luck finding a babysitter for that kid in the future!

  3. A meteor could hit the Earth and BLM would somehow claim white privilege.

  4. The child and his parents are black. This makes no sense.

  5. several years ago, another small child fell into an gorilla exhibit and the gorilla protected the child. they did not have to kill the animal. Child and gorilla were both ok.
    The parents need to be charged with not attending to their child in a public place. PERIOD....

  6. Does it always have to be about race??? It shouldn't matter what race, just be thankful that the child is safe.

  7. Bologna....12:13pm. That was a totally different situation. IF you actually read the entire story, you would understand what had to be done better. The other animal held the lifeless body of the child in her arms. This MAle Ape was slinging the child allover the place. The zoo attendant observed the Ape getting angrier and knew what was about to happen! Praise to the Zoo and their difficult decision. It is overall sad that it had to end this way, but that was the right call!! Very unfortunate for the animals, but thank god the child is safe.

  8. The problem was not the zoo officials nor the gorilla. It was the parents fault for not paying attention to their child. I think the parents should have to pay all fees associated with killing and disposing of the gorilla, a HUGE fine and have to do many hours of community service at the zoo... Here's a solution to the problem !! Watch your kids, be a responsible parent !!

  9. The parents will sue the zoo and the city and maybe the AZA for not having 100% childproof enclosures around the exhibit. They will win a huge settlement, probably out of court. The gorilla will be forgotten.

  10. @10:14...did you actually watch the video? This gorilla was not taking care of this child. One a few years back did, but not this one...

  11. 9:05 well at least the gorilla was paying attention to the kid which is more then I can say for the parents!

  12. Wrong. I saw the video. That Gorilla was trying to protect the child. When the child fell into the pit, the gorilla checked him over to make sure he was ok. When the woman be gan to scream lije hysterical bees they ca be, the child was dragged in the water like the would handle there own. The women moved screaming g and hollering, so the gorilla did what he was suppose to do, move the child to a safer place.I blamed the parents. Also, I notice when first insistence of the women screaming, the gorilla tucked the child underneath hit for protection. Just because humans are well know for their Violent behavior does not mean that animals are like humans.The Gorilla was trying to protect the child.

  13. Can we please stop tmi g about this story. The media sensationalised the hell out of the story. Killing that Gorilla was wrong.

  14. Hey, it's kinda like spraying for mosquitoes. Good grief, we wouldn't want to kill a bird. Well, guess it would have been better to let the boy die. Who are these IDIOTS?

  15. Black outrage? REALLY? it amazes me that people are so outraged about a gorilla being killed to protect a human life when people should be talking about and be outraged about the 60 plus senseless killings that happened over the weekend in Chicago. People put too much emotion, caring into animals than human beings. Thank God the child is safe. The right decision was made to protect the child; I could care less about a gorilla.

  16. I thought the gorilla had already been shot.


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