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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Maryland Gov. Hogan says he is not voting for Trump; more refugees entering MD than during Dems control

Maryland Republicans were beside themselves with joy that in a blue, blue state they succeeded in electing a Republican governor in the fall of 2014.

The bloom is now off the rose as Governor Larry Hogan says point blank he will not vote for Donald Trump and doesn’t agree with most of what Trump says. (By the way, Hogan owes some of his electoral success to help from NJ Governor Chris Christie an up front supporter of Trump, so who knows what is going on there!).

By saying what he did, he has now, for all intents and purposes, thumbed his nose at 248,000 Marylander Republicans who voted for Trump in the primary. See Blue Ridge Forum here (248,000 orphaned GOPers).

I don’t want to get too deep into the weeds of Maryland Republican politics, but long-time Republican observer and former staffer for Congressman Roscoe Bartlett said this (below) on her facebook page.

This would have been an excellent way for the Governor to respond to demands that he tell Marylanders where he stands in this fall’s election. My prediction is that Hogan has just guaranteed that he will be a one-termer.



  1. "...thumbed his nose at 248,000 Marylander Republicans..."

    There a approximately 6 million Maryland residents. Maybe as Governor, he has to represent ALL of the citizens, not just the 4% who are Trump supporters.

  2. As a Republican, by declining to vote FOR Trump (even if he doesn't vote for anyone else) he is by default supporting the opposition candidate that acquires more votes. One vote can and has made a difference - let us hope it is not his!


  3. While smooching the butts of Democrats he's thumbing his nose at the Republicans who elected him.

    His election required a lot of Democrats to vote for him or to stay home so I appreciate his gamesmanship...up to a point.

    OTOH, maybe he just wants to level the FBI location decision?

  4. Gives a rats A!! about our safety.

  5. How wonderful! !! How's hogan doing for us now!!!! ???? WOW WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT! !! HOW MUCH IS HE GETTING PAID????

  6. Don't expect any votes from a lot of republicans ever again Hogan.

  7. Hogan didn't win with just Republican votes. Impossible in the state of Maryland. His mama didn't raise no fool.

  8. Hogan is a decent good man with the strength of his convictions. It is no wonder he is not supporting Trump. Trump should not be our nominee.It is amazing that so many Republicans let a person like Trump become our nominee. Every Republican did not vote for him. Maybe the people who like Trump should start a new party called what else but the Trump Party.

    I don't believe America will elect a person like Trump. No, I don't like Hillery but it appears at this time she will become president.

  9. He is letting in more illegals / refugees so he needs their vote. Appears MD is getting like California, which is nothing new, and Delaware as for as being / becoming a sanctuary State. Are they being located around Laurel so they comply with Obama's neighborhood integration?

  10. Gov. Hogan is pandering to his Dems. He will need many of their votes in the next election. I believe he will actually vote for Trump when in that booth. No one will know and Gov. Hogan has to know a vote for Hillary or anyone else or just a no vote will be a vote for Hillary. He can't be that stupid. 3-4 decades of a very liberal Supreme Court. 4-8 more years of Obama's agenda. Allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to continue to fill government positions and in very high places. Continue to allow illegals to populate America and getting more money and services than our Vets and Senior Citizens.

  11. One and done the Dems will feed him to the wolves. He is going to lose the strong support he got this election. I am not sure what this dude is up to.


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