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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Here's what Hogan, McAuliffe are offering to lure FBI HQ

Maryland and Virginia have offered to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to help lure the FBI and its millions of dollars in economic impact to one of three sites in Greenbelt, Landover or Springfield.

Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan has committed to spending $317 million in state and local funds, while Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe has offered about $120 million. The Washington Post first reported reported the amounts Tuesday, a day before the deadline for bids.

Each site needs significant upgrades to absorb the FBI's roughly 11,000 headquarters employees, and the money would cover transportation improvements and other upgrades to minimize the impact on the communities where the FBI lands.

The commitments will be an important consideration for the General Services Administration as it picks the best option for the 2.1 million-square-foot headquarters campus. The GSA previously issued environmental impact statements outlining the challenges at each site.



  1. I would say bring it to the Shore, but we cant figure out where to put a chicken house so that idea is a waste of time.


  2. Virginia's governor was DNC head; with this administration what do you forecast as a result?


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