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Sunday, June 05, 2016

Local Liberal Chuck Cook Attempts To Attack Me On Facebook

Chuck Cook
4 hrs ·

"For some time now, I've felt like Trump had a "local" theme about him, and then it hit me: He's Joe Albero with money."

Let's take a look at my background. Every property/vehicle I own is debt free, (no mortgage). I retired at 40 years old. I am not dependent on the government. 

While I have never claimed to be a billionaire, clearly the "American Dream" has a completely different meaning to Chuck Cook. 

While you meant your statement to be an insult, I am honored to be placed into Donald Trump's league. I guess, (in Chuck's eyes) everyone should be dependent on the government and shame on anyone who works hard, builds a business, pays off all debts and for that deserves to be attacked. 


  1. Don't engage the beta males. Cook's not willing o have an honest debate about anything. He just wants to glom on to someone with more name recognition. The one thing he and his kind cant stand is to be ignored.

  2. Chuck's jealous he didn't get a trust fund.

  3. Cook is coming to terms with his irrelevancy and unpopularity.
    He is a nothing lowlife, why the story?

  4. Childish on both ends

  5. Oh boy Jimmy Ireton lost the election Joe they must be blaming it on you! I can hear him and Cook now at Market St. SOUR grapes there...

  6. Sounds like a complement to me , putting you in the same category a Trump.

  7. Don't take it personally Joe. Some people are scum and are jealous of people who do work, pay their bills on time, pay off their house and don't have any unnecessary debt. Plenty of people like that around. Jealous that's all he is, just jealous.

  8. Who cares..hes a moron.

  9. Typical of libs criticizing anyone who works hard and has minimal or no debt. That's why they always support politicians who want to spread someone else's wealth to those who can but won't work.

  10. I'm with 3:41 on this one.

  11. I would take the complement. I guess that makes Cook a male version of Hillary.

  12. Who the hell is he and why does his opinion matter?

  13. I have talked with some of Cooks so called friends and you won't believe Thier opinions of this want to be somebody. If he only knew his ego would take a hit.

  14. Alot of this subject comes from how you were raised and how your parents and grandparents used there money.I remember joe talking about how frugal his grandmother was and passed it on to him.I was also raised by depression era parents who instilled in me to never bite off more than i could chew and what most of the time glitters is not gold. Hard work and a education is the best way to make it and sleep good at night. The older i get as long as i feel good have loved ones and many animals around me,food shelter and decent job and health insurance and a car than does not break down all the time i am happy.

    Mr Cook comes from a whole different generation.He will never be debt free and does not care if he goes out that way.As long as he has the newest cellphone and facebook he will be fine

  15. Trust me you aint no trump and you aint rich and trumps wife doesnt work .

  16. How's the free buffet, Chuck? How many are you going to now, three or four every week? And the world and all its people seems so much better for it...


    Typical LIBERAL who I can absolutely tell you has NO idea who I am and what I'm worth. I have to agree with other commenters, jealousy.

  18. I think the era of self made men and women has dwindled down to a small percentage. The younger generation embraces risk taking to a fine art. Millionaire have dropped out of first rate schools to embrace the IT wealth machine. Some of them made it ....some did not. I was taught to play it safe, work hard, save as much as you can and I'm betting that is what Joe was taught. And BTW....I am debt free as well. Nice going Joe.

  19. 7:59, Very true and congratulations on your financial success. My Wife says, he's tighter than a ducks ass and that's waterproof. ;-)

  20. That's your problem, Joe. You would be noble if you were living in a trailer park, drinking Budweiser all day and cashing your monthly government take on lottery tickets and steak to grill outside in your tire-burning fire pit. See you're everything a liberal hates and why you're a target of so many of them.

  21. well if money and material things is how anyone judges their success in life, they have an empty life. Not referring to anyone in particular, just saying.


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