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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Governor Hogan Tells WBOC He Probably Would Not Appoint Edward Rollins For Judgeship In Maryland

Better late than never and give credit where credit is due.

While it only took WBOC five days to finally dig their heels into the sand on what could be the biggest story of the year in Maryland, while WBOC, (even in this interview) never told their viewers the details behind what Rollins actually did, they somehow got an exclusive interview with the Governor.

While Salisbury News is clearly a conservative/republican minded Website, Governor Hogan met with the Liberal based WBOC with an exclusive interview. WBOC asked, would you appoint Rollins to a judgeship. Hogan replied, "probably not". 

This is a massive victory for Salisbury News, who represents WE THE PEOPLE by exposing corruption and crooked elected officials. "WBOC, Delmarva's Soft News Leader".


  1. Even though I am no angel and have been blogged about on Salisbury News, I respect the difference it makes in the community. I was stopped and charged with possession of 2 grams of some really good home grown. Never the less, Joe, I respect your work and look at your site several times a day. You do good work, and I respect your efforts. Thanks for the good reporting. You are obviously making a difference, which helps to educate the ignorant, or uninformed. Your site is entertaining and also informative. Thanks!

  2. Probably or not sure??

  3. Good one, Steve, and congratulations, Joe.

  4. Probably would not appoint him typical politician

  5. We don't care! Hogan needs to register as a Democrat or he is gone!

  6. Who's the new circus court judge in Wico

  7. SbyNews is an OPEN minded website. Doesn't matter if the lean is right or left - this site provides informative, factual, lighthearted stories and information. How news should be translated. Keep on keepin on Joe!

    Another day closer to TGIF and no more June Bugs! YES!!!!

  8. O dear - the green is showing for sure. Hogan's "probably would not' should be "WOULD NOT" IMO

  9. Personally, I don't believe a thing Hogan says - probably not does not mean will not.

  10. Sir you broke this wide open. Little Bo Peep would have swept this under the court house rug and his dirty fellow Stet's Attorney would have become a CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE!!!! Now everybody please keep looking at Little Bo Peep because some nasty federal law suites have been filed but yet he will still bring in all of Worcester County in Circuit Court for dumb jury trials.


  11. He's leaving himself some wiggle room which is smart.

    At this point a lot of useful info has been provided here but only 4 charges have been filed. No hearing or plea yet. We need to respect the concept of 'innocent until proven guilty' even in distasteful situations. For the cops in Baltimore and Rollins, too. Otherwise we play into the hands of Obama, Clinton, Mosby and their fans.

    Realistically, Hogan can't appoint him. He'd be toasted by both parties if that happened. IIRC, Hogan was a county exec previously so he will try not to put his foot in it along the way. Zealots should back off; we didn't get Anthony Brown and we don't want any of O'Malley's pupils next time out. Take the long view.

  12. "Probably not" real strong conviction Larry.


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