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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Experts Explore Ethics Of More Trials In Freddie Gray Case

Is it ethical for Baltimore's top prosecutor, who staked her reputation on charging six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray, to keep trying for a conviction? Legal experts said Friday that State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby is obligated to consider this question.

Mosby seemed devastated after the trial judge found no evidence a crime was committed when the young black man's neck was broken in the back of a police van.

The acquittal of van driver Caesar Goodson on all counts Thursday was more than just a courtroom setback, given the stakes Mosby raised last year when she announced the charges shortly after riots shook the city.

Stressing the ethical demands of her office and repeatedly invoking the civil unrest, Mosby vowed then to represent the aggrieved citizens of Baltimore who "experienced injustice at the hands of police officers."



  1. She should probably be tried as a criminal for malfeasance and non-feasance for bringing these false allegations against these men who put their life on the line every shift. She has proven to be a hate filled, obnoxious, incompetent individual who has jeopardized the lies of the citizens of Baltimore,caused monies to be spent that could otherwise be used for the betterment of those in this neighborhood, and embarrassed the whole town.

    Fire her, try her, remove her from public life are all good things for her.

  2. You forgot Disbar her from practicing law. Her political family will never let this happen. Total discriminatory practice if they don't. If she was white all these suggestions would have been in the works the next day.

  3. She made decisions on racially skewed lines hoping to quell the (suck up to) the rioting masses. She made a very bad decision here and yes, she needs to back off and cancel the other charges.

  4. How can Mosby have any case given that she is only 14 years old?

  5. She's the top prosecutor and isn't even 18 yet? Something wrong here.

  6. Bottom line, get rid of Mosby.


  7. To Mosby: What about the injustice suffered by the officers at your cynical, power-grubbing hands?

  8. Just put her in the same circle with Cummings, Sharpton, Jackson. et al.
    She has lost all credibility.

  9. Mosby is just getting her 15 minutes. She'll be the mayor in a few years.


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