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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Gary Kaltbaum: Globalists Using ‘Scare Tactics’ on Markets, Will 'Lie, Cheat, and Steal to Turn Back the Clock' on Brexit

Fox News financial analystGary Kaltbaum found the vicious elitist backlash against Brexit voters unsurprising, during his appearance on Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon on Friday morning.

“Voters are always idiots when they disagree with the glitterati, as they say,” Kaltbaum observed.

He predicted markets would “shake and shudder,” and “there’s going to be a lot of scare tactics, there’s going to be a lot of yelling and screaming from people that are on the wrong side of this, and probably the markets are going to be on the defensive for a while.”

“But I’ve got news for you — the United Kingdom will go back to work, do their thing,” he continued. “They’re a huge trading partner of the EU, that’s going to continue. The people that wanted to keep this together, and are trying to keep the EU together, are going to lie, cheat, steal to try to turn back the clock, but I doubt it works at this point.”

“I’m already hearing about France, Italy, Netherlands people calling for their own referendum, so this is going to get interesting in the next few weeks,” Kaltbaum said.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds at lot like their tactics here against Trump.


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