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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Conservative Congressman's Hillary Investigation Bombshell

Republican California Rep. Darrell Issa said that there is enough evidence to indict Hillary Clinton for mishandling national security information on her private email server.

“There is more than enough for an indictment,” Issa, the former House Oversight Committee chairman, told Breitbart News Saturday on Sirius/XM Patriot Channel 125. Issa explained:

The statute about classified material holds you responsible not to transmit in an unsecured environment or to a person not cleared. It holds you accountable not to do that. Not based on whether there’s the word ‘Secret’ all over it, but based on the presumption that you would recognize that classified material. She transmitted things like — I don’t want to disclose anything — like a mayor in Afghanistan who was working with us, and if that material becomes available to the wrong people, she gets killed. You don’t have to ask whether that’s classified. As an army lieutenant years ago, I knew that would be classified because it goes to sources and methods.



  1. And...If sh wins, anyone that voted for her will be directly responsible for more Americans dying.

  2. At this point everyone in America and around the world knows the lady is a criminal. It now gets beyond that fact, the bigger problem now is the corruption of the executive and legislative branches of our government. Are they going to go through with justice or let this criminal go on to possibly obtain the most important job on this planet? The whole world is watching for that decision. If Obama and the rest of our government lets her skate, then we the people and the rest of the world knows we do not have a legitimate government and therefore it must be stopped. If we don’t do the right thing we have enemies that can do the stopping. Do not think I am saying they are morally superior to us. God is the ultimate judge and he has a record of bringing down corrupt regimes that once honored him but now openly defy him by using their enemies as judgement against them.

  3. That is why the "Bern" is staying close by and not pulling out. He knows to.


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