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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Yeah, Why Not Mexico?


  1. They won't have anyone to cut their grass and smoke the grass.

  2. Let them move and we can close both borders!

    Rebuild our military and put them to work building the fence and protecting the borders with ICE and the BP!

  3. If they moved to any country , that in itself would make America great again. What a wonderful idea! Liberal = communist , socialist and all the terrible things in existence.

  4. That's really a very good point. The weather is nice, the people are friendly, the dollar is worth more, living is inexpensive, the beaches are beautiful, the days are longer and it's right next door. What's not to like?

  5. They had better take a coat. It gets pretty cold up there in November- January!

  6. 29 and I moved to the shore not to long ago and racism is high here and I don't understand it. I don't understand why whites feel they are superior, your ppl kill, smoke, and sell too. It's just not televise. I don't get why we just can't understand that it isn't just one race it a class of ppl. I hate ppl who sit on walfare and have child after child. I hate crack head and herion user also. Once we start lookin at the bigger picture than we can help those who really need it. Also to the teachers out there stop helping our kids if you don't even like the race I hate you'll too. As far as the topics leave ppl alone this is the problem. I think anyone who is racist isn't happy. I'm too happy to worry about the next person. Let me get this money and enjoy my kids. Anyone that know me know I greet everyone as if their family. Do the same ppl have a wonderful day my loves.

    1. Really.. you think its the whites who are racist? Thats funny. Maybe you should talk to more white people before you make judgment.

    2. I do. I really don't hear blacks talk about whites the way I hear whites talk about blacks. And I hang around more whites than black and I think they think I'm white because they talk as if that's the case. btw I wasn't being rude just speaking my truth

    3. Then sweetheart you need to find yourself some white friends that aren't white trash. The people you hang with do not represent me nor the white race. Get better friends.

  7. OH MY God they have found SBY news...we are not safe...

  8. 8:10 AM - Hang around here for a few more years and see why.

    1. Tell me why ? I want to know. What could make someone feel so much hate that they need to make someone else feel low.

  9. I would like to spend a single day with half a gallon of happy pudding for brains, just to see how big my smile would be. After that I'll go back to working my tail off every day, but with a whole new outlook on life and the people who have pudding for brains every day of their lives.

  10. They need to sign a letter of intent.


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