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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Justice Department program to no longer use ‘disparaging’ terms ‘felons’ and ‘convicts’

The Justice Department’s Office of Justice Programs is eschewing the terms “felon” and “convict” when officials refer to individuals convicted of crimes, opting instead for less “disparaging labels,” Assistant Attorney General Karol Mason announced Wednesday.

The Office of Justice Programs plans to substitute terminology such as “person who committed a crime” and “individual who was incarcerated” in speeches and other communications as part of an effort to remove barriers that officials say hinder progress of those who re-enter society after completing their prison sentences.

“I have come to believe that we have a responsibility to reduce not only the physical but also the psychological barriers to reintegration,” Ms. Mason wrote Wednesday in a guest post for The Washington Post. “The labels we affix to those who have served time can drain their sense of self-worth and perpetuate a cycle of crime, the very thing reentry programs are designed to prevent.”



  1. I equate this with every getting a trophy at little league, t-ball, whatever. Does no one take responsibility for anything anymore?

  2. Give me a break!!

    Now that Marxist - Muslim is worried about the feelings of criminals.
    These people can not leave soon enough.

  3. Yes now they just call them Hillarys

  4. Run them out before term is up....

  5. "Remaking America" It's what he promised us...well not me, I didn't vote for him and didn't think we needed to be remade. From gay marriage to bathroom laws, to support for black rioters, to gay judges appointed for just their sexual orientation, to changing the very language we use to describe criminals, whether foreign or domestic, yep, he is fulfilling his promise to his supporters. All this is what he will be remembered for, dividing America into hateful groups. Long live the US president born "where it took a year to document where he was born" after it was brought up as an issue. Worst president EVER. Now that was a hard thing to take away from Jimmy Carter. The irony of it all...first "black" president, and the black population is worse off, by every conceivable economic measure, than when he took office.

  6. Thought I was going to make it through the day without puking. Maybe tomorrow!!


  7. How is this for a disparaging term "Worst President and Cabinet Ever"
    Yeah let's go with that!

  8. I guess I forgot this morning when I got up to be concerned about felons & convicts! This is the stupidest, least important if she is facing the American public. The president should have many other things to deal with!

  9. Dave T: Typical Obama, he seeks to change the wording instead of resolving the actual problem. Instead of adding euphemisms and additional unnecessary language, what about trying to actually improve conditions for rehabilitating the imprisoned? I guess fat chance that will ever happen since that would take real leadership, which is something this administration hides from daily. How pathetic to claim yourself a president like Abraham Lincoln when you can't even uphold the basic duties of the office itself. I'm literally counting the minutes until this loser is out of office.

  10. Sex offenders will now be called, "Uncle" for the strange uncle in every family that really likes kids.

  11. Perhaps we should call them "the uncaged".

  12. However the n-word continues to degrade and demean the black population however it's never condemned ridiculed or discouraged. This is proof positive that Progressive Democrat are evil Twisted ideological demons. Who will do anything to discourage God country, sanity, common sense, safety,morality, patriotism and decency it's all on The Chopping Block. All hail SATAN is there motto. Forehead numbers coming soon so keep cheering

  13. vote Trump to change this CRAP.

  14. More of the what's wrong is right and what is right is now wrong. We are in big trouble.

  15. I was always taught you call a spade a spade a convict is a convict and a convicted felon is a felon. It's simple as that. So get over it. They should of thought what they would be call before they committed the crimes.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I was always taught you call a spade a spade a convict is a convict and a convicted felon is a felon. It's simple as that. So get over it. They should of thought what they would be call before they committed the crimes.

    May 6, 2016 at 2:20 AM

    Just love all the holier-than-thou saints on here.


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