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Monday, May 02, 2016

Who Agrees?


  1. I agree 100%!! This is the real root of the problem. The damned Libtards and the Transgenders, Queers, LBGTS or whatever you call them are Litards and vote for Libtards anyway.

  2. Agreed, could you paint a rainbow on the Liberals door?

  3. I can't for the life of me understand the politicization of going to the bathroom. Why the hell can't people find a stall and do their business and just shut up. Find something real to cry about.

  4. I know which one Jim Ireton and Julie Glanz will use.

  5. This crap is creepy, but true. Those Communist, Socialist Democrats are ruining our country.

    I am ready to go to war with the Democrats in this Country! Anyone still registered as a Democrat is the enemy!

  6. 2:08. According to Gallup, your enemy outnumbers you.

  7. Trump is ok with it!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Trump is ok with it!

    May 2, 2016 at 7:55 PM

    So.. He's not perfect like you are!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:08. According to Gallup, your enemy outnumbers you.

    May 2, 2016 at 5:20 PM

    But they can't fight so that is good news. It will be over with before you no it.


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