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Monday, May 02, 2016

Police: Teen Shot By Police Won't Be Charged

The boy shot by two Baltimore City Police officers on Wednesday will not be charged.

Police said two officers in plain clothes Wednesday on Aisquith Street saw the 13-year-old boy carrying what looked like a semi-automatic handgun. Police said the pair identified themselves as officers and the boy ran.

Police said the officers chased him for about 150 yards and then he stopped and turned toward the officers still holding what turned out to be a BB gun. That's when officers shot him, hitting him in the shoulder and leg.

A Baltimore police spokesman told 11 News on Saturday, "After conferring with the State's Attorney's Office, the decision was made not to charge the young man."



  1. Came down from the Mayor's office, trust me on that!

  2. Another SU bypass of justice.

  3. If a young man or woman points a gun at me , I will shoot to kill , bravo to the officers.

  4. Unreal, cops should call in sick for a week and let the thugs kill each other.

    1. That will be tough with BB guns

  5. Didn't his mamma teach him not to run away from cops? Or How about not turning on cops once you ran and have a gun in your hand. Precious.


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