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Sunday, May 15, 2016

West Point makes decision regarding cadets' raised-fists photo

NEW YORK -- Sixteen black West Point cadets who posed with raised fists for a pre-graduation picture won't be punished for the gesture.

The U.S. Military Academy said Tuesday it concluded the group photo didn't violate any Department of Defense rules limiting political activity. West Point says in a statement an internal inquiry found the picture of the 16 female cadets captured a spur-of-the-moment gesture intended to demonstrate unity and pride.

The decision comes with the seniors poised to graduate May 21.

Some observers outside the academy had suggested the cadets violated the military policy by posing with clenched fists held head high.



  1. Doesn't a SALUTE demonstrate unity and pride? or how about your hand over your heart. Disgraceful. Period!

  2. It's official this place a joke now

  3. As usual NOTHING is done because there black.
    vote TRUMP.

    1. They're. Bet you also like Trump because he will make English the official language. You should learn it.

    2. 3:12 you must be a trolling loser SU professor, Ivory tower grammer nazi obama lover or just libtarded? we are not impressed with your grammar skills. Please spare us. How would you feel if that was a nazi salute? white pride salute? I for one, being white fear that symbol of black hatred for whitey ..the clenched raised fist!! a symbol of hate for anything not black so its racist. Booo ya..get my drift in spite of my ignorance to proper grammer??

  4. some observers outside the academy are morons.

  5. Some observers outside of the academy.... Says it all!

  6. If they were white they would be gone but Black privilege saves the day.

  7. We are quickly becoming the laughing stock of the free world. Say what you want if this was 18 white cadets holding a Confederate battle flag there would be action. It is going to divide this nation even more as more of this b.s. is allowed to take place and go without some type of reprimand. So it it freedom of speech if you are Black oh I get it. If you are White you are a racist lol

    1. These fools will be busting on white soldiers in the field.

  8. Considering these cadets will become the leadership in the Army after they graduate and get their commissions - this is reprehensible conduct and should not be tolerated.

    Racism originating from blacks has become more vicious than that which was perpetrated on them in times past. Do we want to restart that cycle?!

  9. 229, you are wrong. 2 seconds on google and you will find photos of white cadets doing the same salute. And it wasn't controversial then.

  10. COWARDS!! Hard to believe, but they are cowards!! Afraid of the black mob.

  11. Dishonorable discharge

  12. Just another show of blatant disrespect by our country youth's. They should only be allowed to Salute after all they are Cadets. I hate to make it a racial thing but I can call it that in this case. But what do they have to go by who do they have to look up to? Last weekend our President gave a commencement speech in which he said "embrace your blackness". I ask you what would happen if a speaker at a prominently white college said "embrace being white"?? All hell would brake loose that's what.

    1. Exactly embrace your whiteness . You are labeled racist.

  13. I bet if 16 White people displayed a Confederate Battle Flag they would have been arrested and discharged. WTF is going on with this country. We are cowering to black people like there is no tomorrow. White people are weak!!

  14. 2:33 "Say what you want if this was 18 white cadets holding a Confederate battle flag there would be action."

    As there should be. The only way to think about 18 guys like that would be they were traitors.

  15. 256 where did you find the picture? I'm unable to locate

  16. To the grammar police: Why are you so bogged down in grammar when the frigging country is falling apart. See what I mean? Your ignorance is hard to ignore.

  17. And Nothing was done.

  18. What's the purpose of the uniform anyway. It's all bs now.

  19. Nothing will be done...now. Their careers will be nothing and they won't lead anyone. Old guard still resides - Army Strong!

  20. Beautiful women and a wonderful decision. Stop crying and bashing your teeth over nothing. That's what's wrong with this world now

    1. SO when are these wonderful black Panthers going on the front line.

  21. Hey 9:00pm read carefully comments made from current Chief of Staff of the Army GEN Mark A. Milley: "We have the most skilled, ethical, and combat hardened Army in our Nation's history. No matter where we are around the world, America's Soldiers are displaying courage, commitment and character. We are demonstrating unparalleled competence and agility. And no matter the challenge, no matter how complex the environment, or how dangerous the situation, our Soldiers fight and win. I am honored to lead this remarkable team."

    With words like Courage, Commitment, Character, Competence and Agility make me question the "wonderful decision" those cadets made posing in that picture. A picture that will forever follow each of them! Now that's something worth crying about!!

  22. Even our once great military is going to hell. Come on November.

  23. What's most disturbing about this image is the lack of respect for the tradition of West Point. It is one of the oldest organizations in America and while these cadets are poised to graduate, they don't appear to embrace the tradition. This image cheapens not heightens the esteemed achievement of graduating from WP. It's also shameful the administrators are not doing anything about this disrespect.

  24. Beyoncé and her husband are worth Billion yet they say it's white people keeping them down. Their money could buy a home for everyone in the projects in their hometown. Instead they charge them 300 a ticket to watch her on stage

  25. Dividing the nation is Obama's plan. His mind is like Charles Manson's.


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