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Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Subject: Jim Ireton is in denial

Joe - Look at the attached picture. This is from YESTERDAY. Ireton is posting on Facebook the "latest" figures in his race. Yeah he still lost. He still is 1500 votes behind this Werner loser. Is he walking around in a daze mumbling to himself? He is in denial and out of control. Scary. He lost and he can't admit it. Psychology 101.


  1. Denial is a river in Egypt. Boy oh boy. Jimmy you lost two weeks ago. The numbers aren't going to change Jim. Seriously. You need to get a grip here. You lost. Man up.

  2. Well, one day he can tell his grandchildren all about it. Wait... did I say grandchildren?

  3. It's a sign of a narcissist. I would even question the numbers he's posting.

  4. 8:56pm is spot on.

    Sign of a narcissist? Sign. Like a red neon sign crying for help.

    What is the point of him posting these numbers a few weeks later?

    Is he saying well "I got 20-some thousand votes" look at me?

    I am so done with this a$%@^&.

  5. His parents deny that he is even their kid.

  6. 8:52 PM
    Man Up? Are you serious???

  7. So why the constant wine jim?need some cheese with that whine?. It Kinda makes you wonder. Did he cheat? bribe? Numbers askew for some unknown reason? He is whining Since he figured the fix was in again this time? better luck next time NOT sure this wooping Kinda left bad taste in your mouth

  8. Could there be a Caitlyn and Jamie pairing?

  9. I'm actually impressed 30k people voted for him. Crazy times.

  10. If you stop talking about him maybe he'll just go away. That is the one and only thing he's worried about. Irrelevance! !!

  11. Jim, take a pill. You need a pill. Every day, take the pill.

  12. I am kinda conflicted. Yes, stop paying attention to him but this is how we got in the fix in the first place. People like him slip through the cracks. We don't pay attention. We don't vote. And then we get morally deficient people like him. I still don't understand how he could be cited at 3am with another man on Rehoboth Beach and his career isn't finished. That should have been enough or half of the other incidents. Being in a women's restroom. Dating reporters. I say yes let him be and don't publish him but let's not stop paying attention in the sense of knowing where he is and what he is doing.

  13. Anonymous said...
    So why the constant wine jim?need some cheese with that whine?. It Kinda makes you wonder. Did he cheat? bribe? Numbers askew for some unknown reason? He is whining Since he figured the fix was in again this time? better luck next time NOT sure this wooping Kinda left bad taste in your mouth

    May 9, 2016 at 9:46 PM

    I guess Chuck Cook failed him this time. Chuck didn't have access to all the city firehouse to like he did in Salisbury to fix the machines. Watergate or Buttgate?

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm actually impressed 30k people voted for him. Crazy times.

    May 9, 2016 at 10:26 PM

    It wasn't 30,000 it was 28,122 don't let him see that or he will think he actually won.

  15. Anonymous said...
    If you stop talking about him maybe he'll just go away. That is the one and only thing he's worried about. Irrelevance! !!

    May 9, 2016 at 11:27 PM

    Grow Up A$$wipe! I can't stand when ignorant people make a comment like that. What is irrelevant is YOUR ignorant comment!

  16. Hahaha. That is true. He will be holding a ticker tape parade in his mind down Main Street for his BIG victory. Yes don't let that`.

  17. Grow Up A$$wipe! I can't stand when ignorant people make a comment like that. What is irrelevant is YOUR ignorant comment!

    May 10, 2016 at 8:51 AM

    I'm not 11:27pm but where the world are your comments coming from? Such anger. Tsk tsk. So 11:27pm said that Jim Ireton fears irrelevance and you lash out. Yikes. Sounds like Jim you need to get back to those lesson plans or planning this weekend of cosmo drinking and 3am beach romps bobbing for boyfriends.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am kinda conflicted. Yes, stop paying attention to him but this is how we got in the fix in the first place. People like him slip through the cracks. We don't pay attention. We don't vote. And then we get morally deficient people like him. I still don't understand how he could be cited at 3am with another man on Rehoboth Beach and his career isn't finished. That should have been enough or half of the other incidents. Being in a women's restroom. Dating reporters. I say yes let him be and don't publish him but let's not stop paying attention in the sense of knowing where he is and what he is doing.

    May 10, 2016 at 7:43 AM

    I agree. I remember when Bill Gordy and Patrick Davis used SalisburyFD.com emails to send Jim's Homo escapade in Rehoboth Beach to the blogs and the media to destroy his campaign and it backfired. They were on Gary Comegys team who also happened to be a volunteer member of the Salisbury Fire Department. They thought they could break the news about Jim Ireton being arrested after being caught playing Fudge Packer on the beach and running from the Police. Yes this did happen and Joe had a copy of the SalisburyFD emails which some of us saw them and identified Gordy and Davis. Bill Gordy's redneck son was a volunteer at Headquarters and was involved in it also. How did this not ruing Jim Ireton's campaign and career? Why? I guess because Americans have gotten softer to gay sex, same sex marriage, criminal activity and mental issues.

    This is a sick country we live in! Shame on you idiots for voting for Jim Ireton. I voted for him in the very first Mayoral election and voted for Joe Albero the second time. I also know hundreds that voted for Joe Albero and I saw Joe Albero walking the streets and knocking on doors. That campaign was rigged just like Obama's was rigged.

    1. So are you saying that Obama's campaign was rigged? TWICE??? As I recall, many white people voted for Obama, so they must have rigged it. REALLY???

  19. Anonymous said...
    Hahaha. That is true. He will be holding a ticker tape parade in his mind down Main Street for his BIG victory. Yes don't let that`.

    May 10, 2016 at 8:53 AM

    And then he will be celebrating at Mojo's and taking his clothes off again.

  20. Agreed 915. It is a mystery how this misfit has circumvented public scrutiny to hold a mayor position and actually teach children at Pittsville. This community demonstrates its lack of principles or any moniker of standards when they allow this person to exceed when for all intensive purposes should never have been allowed in either position due conduct and lack of ethics. He is an embarrassment to the community yet he continues to prevail. Where have people's morals and standards gone? Are we that far gone as a society?

  21. Ugh 9:16 AM the visual image just made me spit up my coffee.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Agreed 915. It is a mystery how this misfit has circumvented public scrutiny to hold a mayor position and actually teach children at Pittsville. This community demonstrates its lack of principles or any moniker of standards when they allow this person to exceed when for all intensive purposes should never have been allowed in either position due conduct and lack of ethics. He is an embarrassment to the community yet he continues to prevail. Where have people's morals and standards gone? Are we that far gone as a society?

    May 10, 2016 at 9:24 AM

    When this state voted to allow same sex marriage by a large margin, and I knew people who were conservative say they voted for it, I knew then that we were in trouble.

    Just think about it, Homosexuality is a severe mental illness and Homos used to be treated for their illness. Then there happen to be Homos who were decision makers for the DSM.

    The Declassification of Homosexuality by the American Psychiatric Association. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality from its official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1973.

    Just because the APA was influenced by gay Lobbyiest does not mean that Homosexuality is not a mental illness because it is. You people that don't think so are a few fries shy of a Happy Meal!

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So are you saying that Obama's campaign was rigged? TWICE??? As I recall, many white people voted for Obama, so they must have rigged it. REALLY???

    May 10, 2016 at 9:49 AM

    I smell a liberal idiot.

    "As I recall, many white people voted for Obama,"

    And what does white people have to do with it!! Typical Libtard turning something into a racial issue.

  24. It won't be long. Jim Ireton will drag his tired old a** up to Rehoboth and be wasted at the Frogg Pond - drinking, being loud - harassing other people - thinking he is funny while he is falling all over the place. I know because I have seen him over and over again over the years. I like going to Rehoboth and hanging out but my friends and I see Ireton every year hanging on some teenager looking boy or college student probably promising daddy bucks when he is making teacher dollars. Haha.

  25. How does the school board allow him to continue to teach? Does he show up drunk or hung over to class? Has anyone asked? I dont get it years ago they would have thrown out a teacher for low morals. Now theh give them rainbow colores stars and stickers.

  26. Listen there was a time if a teacher like Jimbeau was heard to have been exposing his genitals in a woman's bathroom he would have been arrested sent to the silly home and never heard from again. But not only can Jimmy do that, have sex on the beach, be sleeping with newsmen, on and on and on from what you've read on this board and he is exalted. Hat tip! Delmarva Times says for a man who lost his primary! HAT TIP! Susan Parker would have been leading the marching bands down Main Street and it would have been broadcast live on WMDT! Come on! It never stops with this clown.

  27. What a loser! Honestly, irrelevance is exactly what he needs. Make him irrelevant and he will shrivel up like the wicked witch of the west. Salisbury is a great family community of Christian people and how this person who promotes homosexual sex and is a pervert is allowed to teach children is beyond me.

  28. You go Jim,,,you go and keep going and don't ever quit going,,,, go far, far away.


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