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Friday, May 20, 2016



  1. This is a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. If she is convicted before Obama leaves office, he will pardon her. If she isn't tried until after the election, she may win. Then what do we do? Send the POTUS to jail or let her pardon herself?

  2. Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon for any crimes that he MAY have committed while in office, or any crimes that he could have been charged with after leaving office, without naming any specific crimes. Obama will be issuing the same blanket pardon to Hilliary, just before leaving office. She is bullet proof.

  3. What would JFK do?

  4. Just hearing Hillary's voice makes me sick. Just like Obama.

  5. The pardon would essentially acknowledge that what she did was wrong and illegal - and would be a signal to any voter with a brain not to vote for her.....dumbocrats however for the most part are brainless - consider who they voted for during the last two presidential election cycles!

  6. He won't be pardoning anyone until AFTER the election.

  7. The Whole damn administration's should be up on treason charges. Why are we even discussing Hillary's future it's non-existent. hopefully her and Bill will retire back to Arkansas. Where prison co habitation is allowed?

  8. Hillary would love JFK....he was a bigger cheat than her own husband.

  9. AMEN!!

    Corruption in the Obama Administration is keeping her from prison.


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