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Friday, May 20, 2016

Teen sues off-duty officer, Tacoma Mall after alleged assault

TACOMA, Wash. – Monique Tillman says she was 15-years-old when she encountered an off-duty Tacoma police officer in the parking lot of the Tacoma Mall.

The off-duty officer was in uniform and working mall security on May 24, 2014. Monique and her brother, Eric Branch, were riding their bikes through parking lot as they headed home.

“The whole time, there’s no crime. We are not doing anything. We are just riding our bikes,” said Branch.

“Basically, the security guard just starts harassing us,” said Tillman.

According to a complaint filed by Tillman's attorney, security said the teens were stopped because they were causing a disturbance. But Tillman maintained that they did nothing wrong.



  1. Vewy dwamatic music.

  2. We must be missing something.

  3. This video seems pretty clear.
    I can't think of any good reason why this girl should have been treated this way unless there was something happening that wasn't visible in the video.
    Throwing her around by her hair? Tasering her?
    Makes me want to get some stick time in on that cop, and I'm white.

  4. Alot of these guys are vets fresh out of combat and being a cop is the only job they can find. They still get to wear a uniform and a weapon. They still get to exert authority over the new "enemy". Mix in untreated PTSD and you have exactly what you are witnessing around the country. Overzealous cops that are still in a war zone.


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