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Sunday, May 22, 2016

We ALL Can't Thank You Enough

After a horrible accident and a week of searching, because of ALL of you who called and updated each sighting, everyone was reunited and exhausted. If you ever wondered why we get such great results, one look below should answer why. To think it's only the 18th of the month.


  1. Prayers were answered! We need more stories like this in the news! What a happy ending! Many thanks Joe for the blog!!!

  2. Yeah! Cali is safe and home with her family, thank you Joe and all who posted, very heartwarming!

  3. AWESOME!!! I can't imagine the anxiety. A pet is truly a blessing

  4. Bravo! I'm sure that we had a cousin of this dog. He was 90 pounds of sweet.

  5. A heart warming result of caring people!

  6. This is just wonderful !
    They have to be so happy &
    thankful to have her back!!

  7. Joe ALWAYS finds them. It's uncanny but as soon as I saw Cali posted on Salisbury news, I knew it was just a matter of time till she was found. This is an invaluable service Joe provides. And he asks for nothing.

  8. P.S., You, too, Animal Control, another SBYNews reader! Thanks!

  9. Wonderful news!! Sorry for all you have been through this week. Happy that you have Cali back home!! Praying for speedy healing and recovery for all!

  10. I'm so thrilled she was found. I also want to say to the owner, I hope you heal quickly from your injuries.

  11. Feeling thankful again for living on the Eastern Shore after reading this story.

  12. JOE you are the man, Helped find this beautiful pouches Mommy and Daddy...My hats off to You Mr Joe.

  13. As her owner recuperates, I am positive there are more than enough people to "puppy sit". Break out the Google doc calendar. 😉

  14. This made my whole week!

  15. By the photo it is obvious this little puppy doesn't know there's a difference in dogs and humans!!! Just another member of the family!! AWESOME

  16. Great ending to what could ----Not have been.
    It was wonderful to see the response of those
    who reached out to help Alysia find her "Baby "
    as she called her.
    Animals are such a Blessing to their owners and
    to lose one ----is like losing a member of
    your immediate family. Only those who love
    their animals can totally understand that !
    THANKS TO ---
    Animal Control----Great job of getting out there
    & searching/finding the Dog! Joe----for putting
    out the post -- keeping everyone updated & aware of the
    lost dog and -----to All the people who Truly Cared about
    Alysia & "Calie" by responding .

    We should feel very proud of the WONDERFUL response from people
    who helped with the recent Puppy Mill Rescue Dogs and Alysia & Calie.
    How uplifting to think people "pulled together" to help those who
    can't speak for themselves.!! We should be so Proud to know how
    This Community rallied together in a time of need!


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