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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Washington Post Assigns Army of 20 to Dig Into 'Every Phase' of Trump's Life

The Washington Post has built a sizable army of reporters to dig into every facet of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's life under orders of new owner Jeff Bezos, the Amazon founder and Democratic Party donor.

Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward revealed Wednesday that the Post has assigned 20 staffers to Trump. In addition the paper plans a book.

"There's a lot we don't know," he told the National Association of Realtors convention in Washington. "We have 20 people working on Trump, we're going to do a book, we're doing articles about every phase of his life," he added.

He said that Bezos has urged the Post to run as many stories on Trump and the other candidates so that voters can't say they didn't know about the eventual president.

"He said, 'Look, the job at the Washington Post has to be tell us everything about who the eventual nominee will be in both parties, 15 part, 16 part series, 20 part series, we want to look at every part of their lives and we're never going get the whole story of course but we can get the best attainable," said the famed reporter.



  1. How many will they assign to investigate Billary?

  2. Fox has that covered.

  3. Dave T: So, how many people are they assigning to the other candidates? It is a total shame to see such a popular news publication fully engaged in partisan politics. You people are supposed to be journalists! Remember? Your role is to be the fourth branch of government; keeping the government in check by informing the people. What service are you doing by attacking one single candidate?

  4. Right. The team doing hillary consists of a part-time typist, two dead people, and a no-show union worker.
    Digging DEEP, though. If they cover ANY ten year period in her life, the only result would be "indictment".
    I used to respect Woodward.

  5. "What we find we'll make seem important. And what we don't find, we'll make up."

  6. The Post is garbage like every other paper.

  7. Dave T: It's no wonder people are dropping the idea of reading newspapers. And thank you Washington Post for further contributing to that end. It's incidents like this that leave a bad taste in peoples mouths for a long time when it comes to trusting a news source.

  8. Washington Post Daily Times so the same good for lining your bird cage. The utter ignorance of the left simply amazes me. Keep your ears on the rails. They will do anything to shut this man down. And stop this American political Revolution. They are petrified, The liers and decievers. You do realize already spent 18 trillion? Social Security is toast, medicare broke, post office broke, military broke all government expenditures are now one big credit card and no equity... like paying a maxed credit card with 65% interest with min payment. You lefties need to move to russia or Venezuela, be on your way..

  9. The Washington Post is a rag newspaper, such a shame...at one time it was credible

  10. Stock price for the WP is around $400 per share. A couple of years ago it was about $800.


  11. In 2013 the Washington Post was sold for $250M cash to Jeff Bezos by the longtime owners, the Graham family.

    Bezos is the founder and head of Amazon.

    Don't hold your breath looking for the paper to exert much effort chronicling the background of Mrs. Bill Clinton.


  12. What difference would it make? Don only knows how to run his mouth.Don knows nothing about or cares about this country,and all will soon see.So vote for don.

  13. I did not see them do this to the Great Muslim. Now we are getting more confirmation that he was born in Kenya. lol. But then again, who really reads the WP. Pure trash. Be fun to see what they find on Killary.

  14. Trump saw what MILLIONS of voters saw, only HE had the powerand money to stand up to it.
    Please, please, please don't try to say Hillary or Bernie (bought and paid for dozens of times) have anything but their OWN interests in mind.
    Investigated by the FBI and STILL runs for President????
    THAT is audacious.
    While we are at it, why doesn't Hillary release the private speech she gave to Wall Street?
    Because she is their tool.
    Tell "we, the people" she's going to "stand up to Wall Street!", but then tells THEM she was only saying that to appease the poor folk.
    Keep cheering.


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