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Sunday, May 15, 2016

A question for the Attorney General

Fox News host Todd Starnes:

A question for the Attorney General:

Shouldn't a 16-year-old who identifies as a 21-year-old be allowed to consume alcohol?

Shouldn't a 40-year-old who identifies as a 70-year-old receive Social Security benefits and the senior citizen discount at the movie theatre?

I mean if we are going to identify people simply because of their "feelings" --- doesn't anything go?


  1. I identify as a Mayor. When do I report to Salisbury to take over?

  2. Anything goes, but only if we say it does. And you're not us.

  3. Oh hell yea I feel african american wheres my ebt card ???

  4. And if I'm a 67 year old who identifies as a 32 year old shouldn't I be able to get a sti&&ie?

  5. We are already down the rabbit hole, chief.
    Nothing makes sense, wrong is right, and no reason or logic applies.
    Keep cheering.

  6. You people need to realize it is ok for them but not you... Do as I say not as I do...

  7. Sure would save a lot of guys from being on the sex offender list, I mean "She identified herself as 18, how'd I know she was 15, look at her"!

  8. In order to fundamentally transform the US, one must take the absurd and make it normal.

  9. If I identify as a poor person do I have to pay any taxes?

  10. Where are all their liberals with answers to this question? They are oddly silent and can't lie their way out of this one.

  11. Every bit of this mess has been caused by our outrageous legal system. Their penchant for "interpreting" the laws our legislators have written is in itself a crime. Yet it's happening as I write.

  12. 9:01
    The silents from the left is deafening.

  13. I want to identify as an illegal alien (yes I said it). I'm tired of working and having to pay for my own children, food, health insurance, electricity, housing and cellphone.

  14. I have never thought about what the OP says here, but it makes perfect sense to me. Just more dumbassery to come out of your federal government (sorry, they are not mine ... i find this administration totally illegal)


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