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Friday, May 20, 2016

This State Just Voted to Ban Abortion

Oklahoma lawmakers have moved to effectively ban abortion in their state by making it a felony for doctors to perform the procedure, an effort the bill's sponsor said Thursday is aimed at ultimately overturning the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

The bill , which abortion rights group Center for Reproductive Rights says is the first of its kind in the nation, also would restrict any physician who performs an abortion from obtaining or renewing a license to practice medicine in Oklahoma.

It passed 33-12 Thursday with no discussion or debate; a handful of Republicans joined with Democrats in voting against the bill sponsored by Republican Sen. Nathan Dahm. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, an anti-abortion Republican will withhold comment until her staff has time to review it, Fallin spokesman Michael McNutt said.

Dahm made it clear that he hopes his bill could lead to overturning Roe v. Wade.

"Since I believe life begins at conception, it should be protected, and I believe it's a core function of state government to defend that life from the beginning of conception," said Dahm, R-Broken Arrow.

Source: AP


  1. Fallin already caved and vetoed it.

  2. What a giant waste of time. This will be overturned as it should be. If you are pro-life dont get an abortion. Its really that simple. Leave the other people alone. I would rather someone abort a child then have yet another unsupported, unloved future criminal that starts on the government dime and dies on the government dime.

  3. I personally am against abortion. However, I can not force my morality on others. Laws of this type will only force young women to gave birth to unwanted children or have dangerous "back alley" abortions. (And please don't say "just don't have sex, because that is unrealistic). Until rape and incest and poverty are unheard of; women must be given a safe option.


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