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Monday, May 02, 2016

Subject: Cuban-American: America Morphing Into Communist Country

Filmmaker and American citizen Agustin Blazquez never thought his native Cuba would become a communist country, but now he sees the same radical shift happening in America.

In this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation, he says the left has been clever by using “very non-threatening words,” like liberal, progressive and concerned citizens, for advancing government control of American lives. The truth about Cuban politics is hard to find because of media spin and propaganda dominating American discourse.

For Blazquez, watching American youth embrace avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, strikes him as “absurd.” It is the end result, he says, of the cultural marxist education and media propaganda that has anesthetized too many Americans who do not defend the values that made America exceptional.

Watching President Barack Obama travel to Cuba, he says, made him “want to throw up.”

More here


  1. They see it.

    Many Europeans that lived under the communist bloc rule have pointed it out repeatedly.

    Just about the only ones that don't see it are the blissfully ignorant masses in the US who elected him, re-elected him, and want to elect another one like him.

  2. This is what I've been saying all along for the Democratic party to allow Bernie Sanders a socialist on their platform tells you where the Democratic party's is going


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