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Monday, May 02, 2016

Latest presidential poll shows Donald Trump beating Hillary Clinton in head-to-head contest, Trump taking 70% of the electoral votes

The latest 2016 presidential poll has Donald Trump destroying Hitlery Clinton in a head-to-head matchup, 375 electoral votes to Hitlery’s 163. That is an astonishing 70% to 30%, and is very good news if you are a Donald Trump supporter…. and I am!

From Dmitri Voltova, prntly.com

Based on an average of the RCP (Real Clear Politics) polling data from all the states and all the “head to head” matchups between Donald Trump (by far the winner of the GOP) and Hillary Clinton (The winner of the Democratic Party) shows bad news for the Democrats.



  1. I hope that is the truth and he wins. Then we have 4 years to re-organize the Republican Party and get rid of the establishment douche bags like John Boner!

  2. Utter nonsense. The RCP poll has Hillary beating Trump in the General Election by 7 point and over 100 electoral votes.

  3. Come on Trump beat Hillary in Md. I have some ocean front property in Arizona I would like to sell to any one that believes this

  4. Stop already. Their heads are going to explode if you confuse them with facts.

  5. At the present moment the poll (real clear politics page) gives Trump a 2 point lead over Clinton

  6. Don't rely on opinion polls. Rely on voting polls. They are the ones that count.

  7. Huh 1:43. First off familiarize yourself with Real Clear Politics. There is no such thing a "The RCP poll". They post results from polls taken by the media, colleges & universities, polling companies. They are a polling data aggregator. This means basically they gather the info. They do not poll themselves.
    FYI The latest poll RCP lists is Rasmussen which shows Trump 2 points ahead of Clinton.
    The RCP average is for the month of April so the 6.7 lead she had then and which you are using to try and discredit Donald Trump are not relevant anymore. Remember you can't fool Donald Trump supporters. Trump supporters are extremely intelligent and can not be fooled or misled.

  8. 1:43, You are looking at the poll average from 4/8-4/28. Latest polls are starting to show Trump either ahead or closing the gap. I look at the RCP polls everyday-something 2 or 3 times a day. The gap in a race between Trump and Clinton has narrowed constantly in the past few months and like I stated above, are starting to trend w/Trump ahead.
    I remember when the polls were showing Clinton ahead by 30 points.

  9. Trump will beat her. Trump 2016. Make America great again.

  10. love ALL the idiot liberals above.

  11. Salisbury University Transvestite Student on the Football TeamMay 2, 2016 at 3:07 PM

    Vote foe Bernie Sanders....

    FREE POT, FREE COLLEGE, FREE FOOD, OMG....Sit home and Party all day!!!!


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