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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Some retailers could reject Baltimore if City Council hikes minimum wage, Young says

LAS VEGAS — The debate over whether to raise the minimum wage in Baltimore to a possible $15 per hour has reached from City Hall to the meetings and social gatherings here in this gilded desert town.

As the International Council of Shopping Centers annual RECon convention ramped up this weekend, some of the city's top officials are here trying to lure new retail and restaurants to Baltimore.

But, they say, a movement now underway to increase the minimum wage in the city to $15 per hour could squash those efforts.

The issue and pending legislation in the City Council was front and center as negotiations opened for possible new Subways, Target stores and other mid-to-large size retailers for possible location in distressed parts of the city.



  1. Let's not introduce more business-quashing rules right after we changed our slogan to "we're open for business"!

  2. Stupid Baltimore lawmakers! The people there continue to drive everyone out that has money left in their wallet and this will just add to that. It won't belong before criminals give up on Baltimore for becoming a city made up of empty wallets. This will do to the city what Amazon did to to shoplifters at Walmart.

    Maybe they can ask Obama to send them to Syria for a better opportunity.

  3. Let the thugs open there own stores ?

  4. Libtardism is a cancer in this country. Most democrats have this ailment along with a rectal inversion problem.

  5. 15 an hour is way too much to pay the mayor and the DA! What are they thinking? They really want to deteriorate, don't they?

  6. Hey Baltimore why not raise it to $27.50? Might as well run all business out of the "charm city".


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