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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

BMX Professional Tony Hoffman to Speak on Dangers of Substance Abuse, Paths to Recovery

Salisbury – The Family Addiction Awareness and Prevention Project and The City of Salisbury will bring motivational speaker and BMX champion Tony Hoffman to Salisbury on June 1st and 2nd. Tony will speak to high school students about his personal experience with drug addiction and the devastating toll drug and alcohol dependence has on families. Mr. Hoffman will be joined by Public Health Officer Lori Brewster, States Attorney Matt Maciarello, and representatives of local law enforcement at 4 sessions to be held at high schools in Salisbury and throughout the county. “Paths to Recovery,” a community conversation catered to parents and families, will take place at 7:00 p.m., June 1st in the Wicomico Room at Salisbury University. This free event will be open to all members of the public.

The human and financial toll of drug addiction is enormous. With the staggering surge in the abuse of opioids and other dangerous narcotics nationwide, it is a toll which is increasingly being felt here on the peninsula. Local hospitals saw more overdoses in the first three months of this year than in all of 2015. In a recent study, BEACON estimated that substance abuse costs the Eastern Shore economy approximately $1.12 billion per year. It is estimated that 87% of crime in Wicomico County is directly connected to those who are addicted.

The Family Addiction Awareness and Prevention Project was created to address the scourge of opioid and other drug addiction on the Eastern Shore. The project’s goal is to have every student in the classroom—not the courtroom—at the end of the summer. In the few months since its inception, the group has secured the necessary donations and support to bring BMX professional and recovering addict Tony Hoffman to Salisbury.

Tony Hoffman was introduced to BMX racing at age 12. His talent brought him multiple sponsorship contracts with major companies, and landed him at the top of the national rankings. At the height of his early success, Tony began to experiment with drugs and alcohol. Within just a few short years, he had gone from the covers of BMX magazines to the depths of heroin abuse. Tony is one of the lucky ones, having survived his addiction. He is now on a mission to tell the youth of the nation just how devastating drug addiction is and how easily it can happen to anyone. His inspirational story of fame, decline, and recovery will focus on the dangers of turning to drugs and falling into despair.

Paths to Recovery is a FREE event. Concerned citizens, and especially those seeking help are encouraged to attend. Recognizing and treating substance use disorder early provides the best hope for recovery. Information on brain diseases and treatment options will be available.

For more information, contact the Mayor’s office at 410-548-3100.


  1. This looks great! Something positive and informative for the kids to attend. Will be taking my teenage daughter...

  2. He must be working off hours lol

  3. I'm like Trump.I like people who were not addicted.Addiction counselors are almost always ex addicts.Preachers preach about how bad they were before they were saved.I like people who were never addicted to ANYTHING.I find them more credible.Society in general does not agree with my take.

  4. Anonymous said...
    I'm like Trump.I like people who were not addicted.Addiction counselors are almost always ex addicts.Preachers preach about how bad they were before they were saved.I like people who were never addicted to ANYTHING.I find them more credible.Society in general does not agree with my take.

    May 24, 2016 at 5:55 PM

    Exactly. Politicians are just playing this game for the vote. Most would rather these clowns eradicate themselves from this earth and they are doing a good job at it.

    And seriously WTF cares about this BMX CrackHead. He caters to a very small crowd so don't waste my time. I hope they didn't pay this clown.


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