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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Should We Do It?

There are literally thousands of these old blue Daily Times boxes out there in which no one is using. Heck, even if you do still have a subscription, the delivery people refuse to put the paper in the box and throw it on the ground anyway, I see it every single day.

So here was my thought. What if I were to make up a new sticker for the side of these old boxes that simply says, SBYNEWS.COM. 

Would you be interested?


  1. Heck yea , do it

  2. I think there is a private property issue. Daily times owns the boxes, not the homeowner.

  3. Shut up and take my money!!

  4. 9:45, possession is nine tents of the law and each one is on private property.

  5. Yes. If homeowners do not want Daily Times free papers thrown in their driveway, contact them and refuse to remove Sbynews sticker from your paper or mail box.

  6. Its called nine (tenths)of the laws

  7. One could argue these boxes are in fact abandoned property if the DT doesn't recover them quickly after the subscription lapses or the subscriber moves.

  8. Not in New York, 11:54! LOL!

    Send me a sticker!

  9. They were removed yesterday.


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