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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Latest school threat points to OMINOUS new terror trend

The days of phoning in a bomb threat are close to over – those looking to terrorize are becoming evermore creative in their methods.

One of the recent trends has been an increase in “swatting.” Originally, swatting was a prank gamers would play on one another – where they’d phone in a fake tip to the FBI, sending them to their desired target’s address. More often than not, they could watch their victim being raided by the FBI in real time.

Swatting has evolved from being a tactic used by my fellow nerds, becoming even more sinister. As MSN reports: Threats made against schools across the United States led to the evacuation of students Monday in what could be the latest example of so-called “swatting” against schools.

The latest threats led to the evacuation of schools in Colorado, Utah, Delaware, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Wisconsin. Media outlets in the United Kingdom also reported evacuations.



  1. Nothing found yet thank goodness.

  2. Call in a bomb threat to a facility containing children, even as a prank and get caught = automatic death penalty.

  3. Death penalty?
    For getting the kids out of sex ed class?




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