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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Salisbury Wins Best Tasting Water in Maryland for Second Consecutive Year!

Mayor Declares May 8th – May 14th Drinking Water Week

Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day is pleased to announce that Salisbury’s tap water has won “Best Tasting Water in Maryland” honors in the Maryland Rural Water Association’s “Toasting the Tap” competition for the second year in a row.

The back-to-back victory is not unprecedented. This win marks the second time Salisbury’s tap water has taken the trophy in consecutive years, having previously done so in 2008 and 2009.

The “Toasting the Tap” competition is part of the Maryland Rural Water Association’s Annual Conference. Judges evaluate samples from around the state, grading each on taste, appearance, and odor. Salisbury’s winning sample was once again collected from the Paleo Water Treatment Plant on Scenic Drive.

The City’s water treatment process includes aeration, pre-chlorination, filtration, iron removal, disinfection, corrosion control, and fluoride addition. Last year, Salisbury’s 11 wells produced 2.2 Billion gallons of drinkable, delicious water.

By winning at the state level, Salisbury qualifies to participate in the Great American Water Taste Test, to be held in Washington, D.C. in February of 2017.

News of the victory came just as the Mayor was set to announce that the week of May 8th through May 14th has been declared Drinking Water Week in Salisbury.

“What better way to kick off a week dedicated to heightening awareness of the processes which bring the water from the Coastal Plain aquifer into our homes every day? It’s tremendous,” said the Mayor. “I encourage residents to read our water quality reports, available on the City’s website (http://bit.ly/24GZXJG), and to check out some of the great resources available online, such as DrinkTap.org. At a time when trust in our water is essential, it is an honor to deliver the award-winning best water in Maryland, year after year. “


  1. IS this a joke ?
    runoffs, sewer spills,polluted river,chicken houses.

  2. God's country water.Now watch a bunch of chicken houses come along and ruin it.

  3. Who writes this crap? The news came "just" as it was going to be declared Drinking Water Week? WTF is Drinking Water Week? Are there weeks for swimming water and garden water?

  4. Omg. I'm moving from Beverly Hills to Salisbury... just for the water!

  5. Do people still drink from taps?

  6. The water in the bury is Awesome but all the thugs keep drinking it.

  7. Sell it and call it,

  8. I live in the city and this water is Nasty!! This has to be a joke!! But of course that idiot Boi Mare is proud of "his" accomplishments.

  9. Can you imagine what the OTHER water must taste like? ROFLMAO

  10. Fruitlands water is drinkable and allot better tasting.

  11. I live in Salisbury and the water is tasty. Much better than the water we drank when we lived in the county and had well water from our own well.

  12. This contest was just like the awards that PRMC gets, it means nothing!
    This was a contest of Slime-bury water, compared to Flint, Mich. water.

  13. I like the water here a lot. It's not as good as some of the stuff in the Northeast that's coming up from granite, but it's good.

  14. Shortly after which our tap water smelled so strongly of bleach, you could smell it across the room.

  15. 6:05
    Ours always seems to smell that way. It gets worse in the summer months.


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