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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Baltimore police arrest suspects in bump-and-run auto thefts

BALTIMORE —Baltimore police have arrested six people in connection with "bump-and-run" style car thefts, and they want the public to be on the lookout for others.

Police arrested six people last week on various charges relating to a scheme to steal cars. The thieves bump another car from behind and when the driver gets out, one of them jumps into the victim's car and drives off.

Police identified those charged as Jasmine Gerald, 19, Kanyawn Megginson, 19, Barry Diggs, 18, and Jaquan Bennet, 17.

Police also arrested two 16-year-old boys.

Diggs was charged with auto theft and other theft-related charges. Bennet was charged as an adult with several counts of armed robbery, handgun violations, assault and other related charges.

Gerald was charged with theft and robbery. Megginson was charged with robbery, auto theft and other related charges.

Henry Marucut became the victim of this type of crime a few weeks ago as he drove for Uber on Northern Parkway.

"They pushed me out of the way and one of the passengers of the other car ran into my car and hopped in and drove off with my car," Marucut said.



  1. My car is bump and run proof.I drive a Chevette.I sometimes leave the keys in the ignition in a crowded parking lot in hopes it will be stolen.If someone bumps into me it's called an accident.

  2. Everyday over and over, again and again, blacks doing what blacks do.

  3. We should go back to driving manual transmissions...they would be to stupid to get father than a car length away.

  4. What a disgusting waste of air they are!

  5. looks like a nice bunch to me

  6. 2:49 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Everyday over and over, again and again, blacks doing what blacks do.

    Did you mean to say "what some blacks do?"

    1. THE thug parents should be arrested for naming them stupid names........

  7. The names of these idiots!

  8. It's sort of the downtown version of bumper cars for those who can't afford to go to the carnival.

  9. Leave them alone, they were just trying to get a ride to church!

  10. As obama says, Be confident in your blackness.

  11. At least now we know how they will get into and out of the suburbs Obama is going to place them in.

  12. 3:52-Or the ignition that will only allow certain people to start the car,providing the victim shut the car off after he/she was bumped.The sensor is an expensive option but well worth it.

  13. The phrase "coming soon to a neighborhood near you" takes on a whole new meaning, huh?
    Looks like they spent more time planning crime than looking for a job.
    Too bad they didn't jack someone with a .45 in their jacket. Extremely too bad.....


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