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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Salisbury University Articles Deliver Over 500 Comments On Salisbury News

So the question is, do you think the people involved should or shouldn't be charged? If you do feel they should be charged, under what crime would you recommend they be charged under.


  1. YES!!!! Since there are 2 parties involved and they can't figure out which one actually drew it - then charge both of them with the HATE CRIME AGAINST RACE!!! I don't care that they are black! Obviously they don't care about their race, and wanted to start something! So they started it, lets let the law finish it! Charge them!!!!!!

  2. This was also on the DAILY MAIL.COM

  3. well when race was unknown it was considered a hate crime.

    how about charging them that way
    or with inciting a riot

  4. I think those of us commenting should start a march on SU.

  5. I am not a lawyer, but do think they should be charged with something. If they cannot be charged then expel at the very least.

  6. Bob Aswell ... tired of liberal balongaMay 3, 2016 at 12:21 PM

    Question? If this effigy was the product of a BLACK or HISPANIC racist, would they be prosecuted? The answer is NO, a RESOUNDING NO. Rights and definitions of political correctness and racism has been delegated to the ignorant and politicians vying for votes.
    NO,NO,NO, although this caricature is in extreme bad taste, it is their individual right to bare their ignorance. Bob Aswell

  7. No the drawing is First Amendment free speech.

  8. yes, those involved should be charged, regardless of race, gender, political views, etc.

  9. Yes,the president of SU and the SU Police are guilty of mishandling the incident,and possible obstruction of justice and contributing to racial tensions and discord.

    We are a nation of laws and due process. We don't have enough information for guility or not guilty on the perps.

  10. It is not a hate crime to draw on a whiteboard.

    1. what they wrote is ,you liberal IDIOT.

  11. @12:21 Freedom of Speech does not apply here according to the Supreme court ruling stating that: Two fundamental principles come into play whenever a court must decide a case involving freedom of expression. The first is "content neutrality"-- the government cannot limit expression just because any listener, or even the majority of a community, is offended by its content. In the context of art and entertainment, this means tolerating some works that we might find offensive, insulting, outrageous -- or just plain bad. And sorry this is VERY OFFENSIVE to some people!

  12. @12:57 It is a HATE CRIME when a racially offensive nature is drawn on a Whiteboard! End of discussion!

    1. How? Was there permanent damage? It wasn't carved or spray painted. It's a dry erase board. I'm white and love my rights. But there is no crime here. If they drew this and told another black student they watched a white person draw it then yes. Inciting at the minimum.

  13. I think Matt said they didn't have a basis for charges.
    You can't do it on emotion. You need evidence.
    Though it might not rise to a level of criminal charges, if the univ. knows who did it, they should be expelled.

  14. funny how its not racist until a white person is involved.

  15. It doesn't matter if it's on a white board, a chalk board, a placard, a building wall, or a train car, its intent is clear, and that's to intimidate and incite.
    "We just weren't thinking" is not a defense.

    Welcome to the real world, kids, the one you thought was just a cartoon in itself.

  16. Nascar coming soon. That should get your mind off of this. Plenty of your own kind to drink with at the track.

    1. what does your type do cause crime 24/7 ?

  17. Yes they should be charged , hate crime would be good. Another comment was inciting a riot , that would also be good.


  18. This is becoming comical. Myself, personally like and approve this piece of art or expression. As for hate, the person(s) responsible are hateful in my humble opinion.

  19. They should be prosecuted the same way any other person would be prosecuted. Color does not matter here. These racists are evidently against people of their own race, for whatever reason.

  20. As a libertarian, I think this should fall under free speech, hate speech is still free speech. I also don't believe in 'Hate Crimes', if a crime had been committed then charge the two involved. Do a handwriting sample and figure out which one wrote the message. Personally, I don't care if they are charged but they need to outed. If white students had done this, their names and reputation would be ruined.

  21. Charge the two black girls, the president of SU and the useless POS Matt.

  22. Hand writing match should expel one. The University needs to keep a diversity standard.

    If #2 was a team member and isn't ratting out #1, same treatment for complicity.

    Done deal, unless there are any criminal or civil charges that apply.

  23. Huh?, 737? Make sense no you think type crime 60/43?

    Maybe put the drink down and type carefully.

  24. 8:31 Really? 737? Are you on a plane?

    Maybe put the drink down and type carefully.

    The correct response was 7:35.

  25. The picture is perfect representation of what's coming , again.

  26. It is an R.R.E. crime read the statutes. It should not matter if Matt thinks he has a winner in court. It is for a judge to decide. Let justice play out. The courts decision is final and justice prevails. I am not saying they will be found guilty but one never knows. That incident put young adults trying to get an education in fear. I think both races took a hit. There was a specific intent by the artist as you libtards call them. I call them criminals and racist

  27. I will not vote for him again.


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