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Friday, May 20, 2016

Q&A With Worcester State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby

SNOW HILL — It’s Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby’s job to put bad guys in jail. He’s good at it, and he has built a reputation in his six years in the position as a proactive and effective professional.

Yet the one issue that keeps Oglesby up at night, both as a professional and as a father, is the heroin epidemic that is growing in the region and across the nation.

Heroin is now claiming the lives of almost 30,000 Americans per year, and while law enforcement officials and public health treatment centers are simultaneously ramping up their respective efforts to combat this epidemic, Oglesby has spent enough time on the front lines of this issue to know that there is no easy fix when it comes to heroin.

Read More and listen to the interview by clicking HERE


  1. Heroin and cocaine dealers should receive mandatory 20 year sentences upon conviction with no chance for early parole. Anyone arrested as a user should have to undergo mandatory rehab, paid for by themselves or go straight to jail. And don't give me the sickness or disease bs. Dealers are business men profiting on poison. Users are just pathetic.

    Or we can just keep on doing what we do now which is next to nothing.

  2. I wonder how good he really is? Would he have brought charges against the two black girls at SU for hate mongering?

    1. Hate mongering is not a crime. So, no.

  3. Sometimes laws, and "law enforcement", don't solve the problem. Just look at gun control, or anti-marijuana laws. Law enforcement is not always the solution to unwanted behavior.

  4. A crummy prosecutor, or one that says, "I don't even know what to charge" is just as bad as lousy cops. You have to have a good one.

  5. Sorry guys after hearing the FACTS in the case Matt did no wrong. There is more to the story. They should be held accountable by the college. No crime here just ignorant behavior. The original poster of the drawing sent it as a joke. The person took it seriously and leaked it. Dumb but not a crime. Yes they were all black.

  6. 10:11
    Would you include the CIA in your mandatory sentencing?

    How would intelligence agencies be able to fund their black operations without drug income?

    Just wandering what is your solution for the shortfall in black ops?

  7. We used to be free

  8. Beau, you do realize that our heroin comes from our own Federal Government, trading guns for goods, right? The tonnage through the Port of Baltimore and other ports are amazing.

    What, exactly, are you doing about this?

    That's what I thought, ZERO.


  9. Wasn't the "War on Drugs" in effect back in the sixty's during the "hippie" day's?

    How's that working for you?


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