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Friday, May 20, 2016

BREAKING: Hillary Campaign Accused of Mass Cheating in Kentucky Primary– 4,000 Votes Scratched to Give Hillary Win

According to several reports the Hillary Clinton Campaign cheated in order to give her the win in Kentucky.

In Pike County Kentucky, card readers reportedly malfunctioned and votes were fully erased.

The Pike County Clerk’s office told local Kentucky station WKYT there were issues with one of their card readers which caused a delay in the numbers and as a result, the AP then erased Sanders’ votes, pushing Hillary to the lead by over 4,000 votes.

The gatewaypundit noted the discrepancy in a tweet Tuesday night –


  1. So , what will happen now ? Nothing!

  2. Nothing new here, this is how democrats ein elections.

  3. A headline you'll never see:

    BREAKING: Sanders Campaign Accused of Mass Cheating in Kentucky Primary– 4,000 Votes Scratched to Give Bernie Win

  4. no surprises there...

  5. So The entire Democratic primary is fixed.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 20, 2016 at 12:10 PM

    Would anyone expect anything else from Crooked Hillary? Been Doing It For Decades. TRUMP THAT BITCH 2016

  7. Cheaters liars deceivers the clintons

  8. Surprise Surprise Surprise look out general election tnis is just a preview of the Clinton machine.


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