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Sunday, May 15, 2016

One-Quarter Of Commercial Vehicles Inspected On Capital Beltway Placed Out Of Service


(LANHAM, MD) — A combined law enforcement commercial vehicle enforcement initiative today in Prince George’s County involved the inspection of more than 400 vehicles and resulted in 25 percent of them being placed out of service for a variety of violations.

Assisted by personnel from seven different police agencies, troopers, truck inspectors and cadets from the Maryland State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division conducted one of their largest inspection operations of the year today. Commercial vehicles on I-495/95 were directed into the parking lot at FedEx Field where county and state truck inspectors stood by to conduct a variety of safety and equipment inspections, as well as weight checks.

A total of 438 commercial vehicle inspections were conducted. Inspectors placed 27 vehicles out of service for tire violations. Another 86 were placed out of service for a variety of other violations. One commercial vehicle was found to be 24,000 pounds overweight. Being placed out of service requires that repairs be made to correct the violations before the vehicle can head back onto the highway.

In all, 115 traffic citations and 251 warnings were issued. Additional focused enforcement operations will be conducted in the coming months.

Assisting police departments included the Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Prince George’s County Police Department, Montgomery County Police Department, Howard County Police Department, Calvert County Sheriff’s Office, Greenbelt Police Department and the Maryland Department of the Environment. In addition to the Maryland State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division personnel, assisting State Police units included the Special Operations Division K-9 Unit, Criminal Enforcement Division, Tactical Medic Unit, Forensic Sciences Division, and the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center.


  1. Boy, I'd bet they'd REALLY find something if they did that here.
    Can you imagine the stuff that's going up and down Rt 13?

  2. wow just wait until all those mexican truckers are allowed to start running up here!

  3. Wonder how many of them were Verizon trucks?

  4. I used to be in the trucking business. When the cops pull one of these "grand inspections" they want statistics and cash. They don't pull over all trucks just the ones they can see some violation. If they inspect 400 and find 2 violations, doesn't give them the stats they want. One marker light out is a violation and a statistic, but does that really make them the menace to public safety that we are told?


  5. 902 police make NOTHING from violations.

  6. 9:02 AM - If the equipment is present, the equipment is expected to work. If there's equipment that's missing, it has to be replaced.
    That's the end of the story.

  7. 8:41- this country is already FULL of mexican truckers and trucks. Also from India and various parts of the middle east.

  8. well put 939 and 1004. if there's one simple violation like that, chances are when you look, there will be more. I was a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Inspector. I know.

  9. Let's concentrate on the trucks and not the truckers in this conversation, eh?

  10. they make nothing? I beg to differ, they get paid don't they? when erlich wanted to cut the msp budget he was told dont worry they'll generate enough to cover it. Who's kidding who? It's all about the cash!

  11. We need yearly state inspections on private vehicles here in Maryland. Way too much unsafe junk on the roads, especially here on the shore!
    Cars with cracked windshields, broken headlights, duck tape holding on bumpers, cardboard side windows, wire holding down a trunk lid, cars burning more oil than gas, stinking up the air.

  12. They are trying like hell to take American truckers off the road for "violations" so they can train all the illegals to drive trucks.I know there are trucks out there that are dangerous but DOT is like the damn Gestapo.Ruining lives and taking food of out of American mouths.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    902 police make NOTHING from violations.

    May 11, 2016 at 9:39 AM

    well geesh, haven't seen this lie for quite some time, since it was debunked long ago and even on this blog.

    Next you be saying police do not have quota's and do not lie.

  14. If it's about safety, why not inspect rental trucks too?? NOPE. Why target big name trucking companies only? Because it's all about digging in the pockets of trucking businesses and upping your stats. A majority of these citations are for FOOLISH things that have nothing to do with safety. Driver failed to dot an I or cross a T. Driver can't prove he got 8 hours of sleep last night (before you argue, this has actually happened). It's all a power trip. DOT in the Salisbury area prides itself on "setting records." If you drive a truck, you have no rights. You can be stopped, detained, and searched with no probable cause. Welcome to the REPUBLIK OF AMERIKA.

  15. They don't get anything?
    That is SO deceptive and self-serving it ain't funny.
    11:07 is finally seeing that it's true --- Americans no longer have any "rights". Oh the "rights" we were given by GOD still exist (and always will), but they have usurped by MEN with administrative authority to ignored them.
    For our "safety". For the children. For our health. For the children. For our own good. And yes, for the children.
    Think. If 25% of all trucks they looked at were SO unsafe they had to be taken off the road, why are there not HUNDREDS of more accidents and crashes seen from these barely-able-to-function trucks?
    I managed a business that used cube trucks weighing 9800 lbs.
    The storm troopers from the MD weigh station came to me one day to say we must now stop at the scales for inspection. When I pointed out the law said only vehicles weighing 10,000 lbs or more were required to stop for inspection, Heinrich said "I don't care what the law says, I'm telling you you better have your trucks stop there or else".
    A nation of laws, huh?
    HE didn't think it was.....


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