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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Obama: Crime Created by ‘System,’ Successful People ‘Just Lucky,’ ‘Wasn’t Nothin’ You Did’

In his commencement speech to the graduating class at Howard University last weekend, President Obama excused crime in the African American community as something fostered by an “unfair and unjust” system.

He also said successful people were “just lucky” and hinted they didn’t make their success; “It wasn’t nothin’ you did,” he insisted.

Obama appeared at the historically African American Howard University on May 7 to send the graduates off into the world with some inspiring words. But much of what the president said was less inspirational and more conspiratorial.

The president spent a large portion of the first 15 minutes of his speech properly impressing upon the minority students in attendance that they are living in an era of unprecedented opportunity. But even as he noted how far African Americans have come in America today, he said he would be speaking to the inequities blacks face.



  1. He just continues to divide in order to create havoc.

  2. Unfair and unjust, yes, they get given everything for free while I go to work everyday and my family struggles to get by.

  3. geez I wish he would have told me this years ago, I wouldn't have worked so hard to be a success. I could've just sat around waiting for luck!

  4. Sad,pathetic and angry man. No excuse for this decisive rhetoric. I sure hope we can recover from the last eight years.

  5. OBAMAPHONICS the president speaks trashy.

  6. Is he really this stupid?

  7. Obama want's to stir up riots by blacks reminiscent of the 60's for political gain , The worse off the country the better it is for Democrats even though it's their doing.

  8. Like I said 0 ownership and responsibility. "I didnt do Nuffin"

  9. Does this include himself? Was he just lucky to end up President of the United States?

  10. Barry reads the teleprompter where the script is written by his handlers. His bosses (international bankers) control the script.

    Think about that for a minute. This rhetoric is intentional. It is not happenstance. It was written for him to read.

    It is an agenda.

  11. It is an evil agenda and it appears to be working! Divide hostility all fostered by such fools as obama,the UN, university,churches it is an all out war

  12. Sounds like hate speech to me. Very divisive. And he was supposed to bring us all together.

  13. He is the perfect example

  14. He's speaking about himself.

  15. Mark My Words!!!!!!
    The US Power grid will fail this Summer and President O
    Will deliver declare Martial Law
    Lock and load as many rounds as you can!!!!!!!!!


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