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Monday, May 23, 2016

Megyn Kelly’s Primetime Flop Wipes Out Leverage in Fox Contract Negotiations

Megyn Kelly’s much-publicized broadcast special with Donald Trump was supposed to launch the Fox News star into the stratosphere of television anchordom. Instead, the widely panned show seems to have achieved the opposite result: It exposed the extent of her limited mainstream appeal.

Kelly drew just 4.8 million viewers on Tuesday night, a number television executives say is a disappointment by any measure. Three senior executives I spoke with say an audience of 9 million would have been a success.

“Not good for her at all,” was how one insider put it.



  1. Kelly wasn't the draw, Trump was. Don't blame her for the low viewership. Nobody turns on a TV to see the news host. It's Trump the viewers were not interested in. Call it like it is. Personally, I found a better show to watch when she did the interview.

  2. I'd say she picked the wrong interview to do if she was hoping to hit it big. Should have been Trump interviewing her and finding out why she tried to tank him in the debate. Just because she sees he is going to win and wants to kiss some butt and try to make up mow doesn't change the fact she tried to ruin him. She lost me as a viewer that night and she will never get me back. I used to like her but after that biased attack in the debate when she is supposed to be impartial cost her not only me but millions of viewers. She can go to cnn or better yet msnbc with that crap.

  3. Over advertising has a reverse effect.Always has,always will.

  4. It was because of Kelly. You have to be inept not too know this. She tried to use Trump for ratings and failed. Everyone by now know we'd how they will vote for. Everyone knows what Kelly did to Trump and frankly didn't want to listen to it again. Everyone knew this was a Megan Kelly redeem stunt and don't want her on TV anymore! !!!!

  5. Kelly has revealed her true leftist feminist agenda! Oops it slipped! She just couldn't contain the urge true leftists
    have to mischaracterize anyone that disagrees with them, especially Trump.
    News flash Megan, he was referring to the really nasty low life confused comedienne Rosie O' Donnell who had recently publicly insulted the Donald without cause.
    She thought she could use her bully pulpit to "take him down".
    I hope Fox let's her go... She's a traitor.

  6. I objected to the fact she didn't allow him to complete his answers before she fired another question. I watched for about 10 minutes, if that. Had to turn it off.

  7. Her ratings will plummet this week and forever.


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