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Monday, May 23, 2016

240K Maryland residents missing out on insurance help

BALTIMORE (AP) — It’s an unusual problem: The more people in rural areas Mark Romaninsky and his team help sign up for health insurance, the more difficult it becomes to find people who still need to enroll.

“It gets harder and harder every day,” he told The Daily Record. “How do you find those pockets of people?”

As program director for Seedco, a nonprofit that serves as one of several “connectors” for Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, Romaninsky and his team of “navigators” focus on the upper and middle Eastern Shore, reaching out to churches, small businesses, local workforce investment boards, “anywhere we can spread the word,” he said.

While progress has been made to reduce the number of uninsured Marylanders in the past three years, Seedco’s territory is where there’s still a lot of work to do.

About 405,000 Marylanders were eligible for private insurance and some form of financial help — such as tax credits or cost-sharing — when the exchange was launched in 2013; that number has now dropped 40 percent to about 240,000, officials announced May 16.



  1. I am a MD resident who signed up for this bs insurance with tax credits back in DECEMBER 2015. Guess who still isn't covered? ME! The reason - the employees of the MD Health Connection never completed my sign up. I now get to argue and fight with employees who don't care everyday! I get the penalties because they didn't do their job! I have written to Gov. Hogan! Still waiting! I know that I am not the only person who is going through this! It isn't about shoving numbers through a system. It is about making sure that they actually do the job 100%!

  2. 12:46 I think Avery Hall has an obama care representative. I would contact her and see if she can help. She was lovely and very responsive when I spoke to her

  3. It's not that you can't find them, it's that they don't want to be found to sign up for bs healthcare. Can't wait for obamas stinking butt is gone and we can get rid of this abomination. And this obamanation.

  4. You know, I figured this out.
    With the premiums I would have to pay for single coverage on the cheapest plan, plus all the money I would have to pay in deductibles and copays, I would be out about $10,000 before this "insurance" ever paid for anything.

    Being of average intelligence, I was able to figure out that I could buy a LOT of ACTUAL HEALTHCARE with that money by paying my own doctor bills instead of wasting it on some BS 'insurance.'

    So I actually get to see a doctor and still have hundreds of dollars left each month.

  5. 12:46
    Go on their twitter page and complain publicly, they WILL contact you. That's how I got their attention. The woman's name is Cassandra and she handles their social media.


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