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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Medical experts warn of ‘dormant butt syndrome’

(NEW YORK) — There’s yet another reason to get up off of that couch.

Ohio State University researchers are warning of a new ailment they call “Dormant Butt Syndrome.”

“It basically refers to the gluteus-maximus — or the glute muscles — just not functioning as efficiently as they should,” says Dr. Chris Kolba, a physical therapist at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center.

Kolba says the muscles in your behind are meant to support the rest of you and be a shock absorber. But when those muscles are too weak, the rest of your body tries to pick up the slack, which can cause back, hip and even knee pain.



  1. By a medical term put on this now you can collect disability.

  2. 3 years ago, my waist turned upside down one day, and now my pants don't stay up.

    Can I sue God?


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