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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Illinois High School Refuses to Let Marine Walk for Graduation In Uniform

An Illinois high school has come under fire after officials refused to let a graduate, who is also a U.S. Marine, walk across the stage Thursday in her blues.

Marine Corps Pvt. Megan Howerton technically finished up her studies at McHenry West High School early in order to start her career as a Marine, WLS-TV reported. But when she returned to the school to join her classmates at graduation, she wasn’t allowed to walk with her class.

"Megan has always been very determined to do what's right, and I think she felt that the military was a calling for her," Grace Rodriguez, McHenry West graduate, told WLS-TV.

The school said its decision to refuse Howerton to walk for graduation because she wore her blues instead of the traditional cap and gown.

"The district and administration in no way looked to prevent the participation of this graduate or any graduate who has chosen to serve our nation,” the school said in a statement. "Rather, the administration communicated in advance via letter, senior meeting, and practice, all the protocols expected of graduates, including attire. In some past cases, active-duty students elected to wear their gowns over top of their military uniforms, with their military hats, which was allowed.



  1. I am a USMC wife and the school is right. Who does she think she is? She is at a school event trying to stand out and get attention.
    She is a child of a narcissitic age.
    The USMC would not like what she did.

  2. She'll have plenty of opportunities for wearing her uniform. If she is mature enough to follow the rules of the US Marine Corps, she should be mature enough to follow the rules of her high school. Wearing a military uniform will generate undo attention - completely unfair to her fellow classmates.

    I'm guessing she won't ask her CO to allow her to wear her high school cap and gown at her next official Marine Corps ceremony.

    (Veteran - USN)

  3. Nothing here but a spoiled Young child. She'll soon learn the Marine way of life.

  4. I totally agree with the school. Nobody else gets to wear what they want. I admire and applaud her choice of serving in the Marines, but it has nothing to do with the graduation ceremony.

  5. Yet the Muslim student gets to march in her Burka.

    1. Article says previous military walked with gowns and military hats... Which would equal those darned Muslims and a burka...

      I fail to see the disconnect in this case

  6. On a brighter note he can pee in the girls bathroom.


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