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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

McAuliffe responds to FBI inquiry: Donation was legal

WASHINGTON — Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe told reporters Tuesday that he has done nothing wrong and that an investigation into his 2013 gubernatorial campaign won’t hurt his longtime friend Hillary Clinton’s run for the White House.

“I don’t think it will affect Hillary Clinton at all. It won’t affect me at all. If you haven’t done anything wrong, what should you be worried about,” McAuliffe said.

McAuliffe addressed reporters gathered outside an Alexandria probation and parole office, where the governor announced $3 million in funding to help the city provide mental health treatment to offenders.

His comments came a day after reports surfaced that the FBI is investigating whether any donations made to the McAuliffe campaign were illegal. Investigators are looking in part at the $120,000 West Legend, a New Jersey company, contributed. The company is a subsidiary of a company owned by Chinese businessman Wang Wenliang, who is a permanent U.S. resident with a green card.



  1. He opened his mouth so you know it is a lie!


  2. FBI inquiry, is that anything like a FBI security review???


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