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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Illegal Immigrants Sue After Landlord Demands Documentation For Housing

Four Latino families filed papers to sue their Virginia landlord Monday after he threatened eviction due to illegal family members living on the premises.

The civil rights lawsuit filed by families living in Waples Mobile Home Park in Fairfax County, Va., claims it is discriminatory to require a social security number for residency. The landlords at the mobile home park are requiring residents to provide either a social security card, passport or valid visa with documentation to renew their leases, reports The Washington Post.

The lawyers representing the families, from the Legal Aid Justice Center (LAJC) and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan law firm, say the actions are targeted discrimination which disproportionately affects Latinos in the community. All the families involved in the lawsuit have lived in the park for at least two years and have at least one family member without legal residency. The landlords say they need the documentation in order to conduct proper criminal background checks.



  1. Any lawyer that would even entertain this or file it should be disbarred and run out of the country.

  2. Landlord Tenant Codes very from state to state. I believe that you in Delaware for some housing not only do they require SSN for all living in the house or apartment. They also required Background Checks. Just another way for someone to sue and see what they can get.

  3. Yeah, they sue cause they know darn good and well they can't provide the documentation. Evict them, now.

  4. Arrest the landlords across the country for harboring criminals. Being in this Country without proper permission and paperwork is a crime.

  5. They should be thankful that their landlord is trying to keep the trailer park SAFE.Oh well,lots of Americans still need low cost housing.

  6. Whatever lawyer took this case for the plaintiff is a moron and should be debarred.

  7. let the illegals show up too court with ICE waiting,


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